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Like a little spider,
Weaves it's mighty webb,
So intricately have I hurt you,
Sunk my fangs into your soul,
Tried to suck you dry,
Swallow you whole. 
I took a seat at your table,
You didn't object, but you were able,
Here I am, a seat by you,
Feeding you from my hand.

You're not good enough! 
You never have been!!!
Why are you trying today?!
I'll break you!
You try but frankly my dear, 
It's laughable!

I slap you, my words hit you hard.
Why are you even here?!
Just look at yourself! 
You're ugly! Fat!
Stupid! Far too slow! 
Tears poared down my face,
He grinned, letting out a scoff.
You see? You're even caving now.
You know its true.

His fingers dig into my arm,
Blood seeping from his recent words.
His laughter bounced along the walls,
An eery silence took over the atmosphere, 
Echoing every sylable back to me.
I'm shaking, sitting in a pool of my own sweat, trying desperately to latch onto the truth.
"Stop!" I mutter, sobbing.
Nails don't retract but sink deeper.
"I always knew you were a keeper!"
I have you under my thumb.
Why do you write?
You obviously aren't as good as you could be.

Look at me!
His voice cuts through my mind,
Gentle, full of love, and kind.
"I made you. I triumphed over sin and grave."
He walked right up to him,
The deceiver cowers in fear.
"I  stamped on your head with my heel.
"My blood was spilled for you!"
He says, taking my chin in his hand,
Eyes full of love and compassion.
You are bought with a price,
My beloved, dearest one.
Don't forget that. 
With a powerful shove,  the evil one is sent out of the room.
"One final thing. Don't let the enemy have a seat at your table. "

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now