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Go ahead and paint your lips,
Paint them cherry red,
Cover up the feelings,
The ones that feel like dread
Perfect porcelain, 
Oh do you see the cracks?
The ones that show my armor
And where it may have lacked?
That's just where I'm bleeding,
It will go and scab,
Oh now my mask is slipping,
These damn high heels! I'm limping!
Don't ask me where I'm going,
As I get into a cab.

If I  fill in my silence,
With enough nervous laughter,
Maybe we'll all have a good time,
Faking idle chatter.
Is this what it's like,
Going to a party?
Do I fit in now?

Gather plastic pieces,
Paste them on for size,
Does it have enough appeal?
Will men throw themselves at me,
Take a knee and kneel?

I never new beauty came with such pain,
Plastic enamel around my glittering frame,
I don't see any normal,
my looks just for fun,
I may have attention, approval,
And "friends"
But one day my eyelashes won't be so long,
My complexion so perfect,
Or smile so white,
I won't look good in any light.
My skin will crease, fold, and wrinkle,
My eyes will dim,
and no longer twinkle.
One by one you'll walk away,
The friends that gathered,
They don't want to play,
Their bones ache,
And smiles are few,
But of course now,
We just look like you.

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now