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The Savior knelt in in the garden that night, praying, lifting up His plight. 
Blood dripped down,  mingling  with sweat and tears, from carrying this burden for years.
"Father let this cup pass from me. Never the less not my will but yours be done. " Sobbed the  Son.
Soldiers came, with torches, and clubs, led by a traiter, the worst thug.
Betrayal and heartache, sealed with a kiss, a bitter pill, hard to miss.
Arrested and led to a fixed court that night, bent on my death, no matter my fight. I was silent like a lamb led to slaughter, remember I did this for you my daughter!

Their hands met my face with a cruel slap,
Their sin evident with every whap.
Off to Pilate my fate sealed,  all the while every lash mark  healed.

Blood fell in streams, redemption neer, an epic rescue  everyone will hear.
I saved you from death when I walked out of that grave,  the stone thrown away from that simple cave. Mercy won, and  mankind redeemed,  Love triumphant,  hope planted like a seed.

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now