Accept Who Your Partner Is

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That boy is so perfect...except he just needs to change a bit. Like, he really needs to quit smoking and playing so many video games. And he will do it for YOU! This is love, right?



I once dated a guy that needed to change.

He had a bad reputation, but was trying to make a fresh start. And I was immediately in love. But his bad-boy-turned-good routine was as believable as Sasquatch. Deep down you know the truth, but you really wanna believe. I wanted to help him along and he was willing to let me try. For all of my efforts, he stole $300 and told everyone he slept with me. And THAT is what happens when you try to change a person.

If you're a jerk when you're 13, you'll probably be a jerk at 23, 43, 83 and so forth. Unless there is some sort of life changing event, people generally stay the same. And by "life-changing", I'm really sorry to say, I don't mean meeting you. I mean head trauma or near-death experience.

You want to find the right partner for you? Decide what you can accept and what you can't. Can you accept that he pees sitting down? Can you accept that she doesn't shave her legs during the cold winter months? 

He puts chocolate in the freezer. Is that a deal-breaker for you? What about leaving hair in the sink. The list is endless. Once you hit an unacceptable trait, the relationship should be over.

You can't accept that your partner sleeps with other people? Well then your relationship has met the end. That is part of who your partner is and the chances of them changing is very, very small. You can't accept that your partner is bad with money? Realtionship: over.

My Advice:If you want to change who your partner is, find a new partner. It's a lot easier. If you can't accept someone for who they are, then the relationship will end eventually anyways. Better to get it over with sooner than later.

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