Chapter 19

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Chapter 19         

Ashleigh’s POV

The interviews are going to start soon and I have butter flies in my stomach. At least I will be going near the end. That is the only thing keeping me as calm as I am at the moment. I will be able to see how everyone else goes before I do.  I look down at the dress Tex put me in. It’s a simple elegant dress the looks beautiful. That’s about it though. I asked Tex if I had to twirl and sparks would fly out but he said that it wouldn’t look as good as the fire so he didn’t add it. He just said that it was a normal dress that made me look beautiful. 

“I know you were thinking that I would do something spectacular with your outfit, but lets just say I have something else planned.” Is all he told me before Effie rushed me backstage. Now I’m just standing here by myself waiting for people to start getting interviewed. I am about to sit down before Effie rushes towards me.

“No time to sit down Ashleigh you are up first.” She says to me.

“Wait slow down.” I say. “I thought I was going last.”

“No this year district 12 is going first and then they are ending with district 13.” She says. “Your interview is in 3 minutes.” Effie looks down at her watch. “2 minutes now.” I start to panic. I’m not prepared yet. Effie leads me to the place I am supposed to stand until they call my name.

“Wait why is district 12 going first?” Effie doesn’t reply because she is already hurrying off in another direction. Sam comes up behind me.

“You alright?” He asks.

“Yeah I’m fine just a little nervous.” A little nervous is an understatement.

“You’ll be great.” He says. The crowd starts cheering when Caesar walks onto the stage. They are definitely louder than they were for the opening ceremonies.

“Good Evening Panem! Welcome to the 76th Hunger Games!” Caesar yells. “Now lets get onto business shall we. I would first like to introduce the lovely Ashleigh Mellark, daughter of Katniss and Peeta Mellark.” I start walking on stage and when I reach Caesar he helps me into my chair. My legs are a shaking I hope no one notices. “Now my dear Ashleigh is it true that you and Aiden are a couple?” Time to put my acting skills to the test.

“No not exactly.” I say.

“What do you mean not exactly?” He asks.

“I mean-.” Before I can continue Caesar cuts me off.

“Oh I almost forgot, before we continue I must show you something.” He says. This must be my score that that game makers gave me. “Now if you would please look at this screen for me.” I turn my head and am shocked to see myself. The video is paused on me entering the room just before I showed the game makers my skills; well in my case I just burnt some dummies.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“This year all of Panem gets to see how you performed in front of the game makers. Now shall we watch?” I instantly want to say no, but nod instead. The video starts and the audience goes dead silent. I watch myself on the screen start running around and grabbing all of the dummies. Some people in the crowd start talking. Many more start talking when I start grabbing the fire wood. Then when I light everything on fire the crowd goes silent again. No one talks as I throw the wood that has prims name on it into the fire. The camera then splits in half, one side showing me in the training centre and the other showing some of the people in the crowd pressing their three middle fingers to their lips. I do the same and then everyone in the crowd follows. Not one of them doesn’t, it makes me smile.

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