Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

POV President Paylor

I know it’s only been a few days since I saw Aleta but I’m worried she won’t come back, that she will leave me to die in Snows hands. I don’t understand why she even came to visit me in the first place. I thought that her out of all people wouldn’t get involved. I hear heaps of commotion come from outside my cell, it sounds like people running. I hear gun fire. What’s going on out there. I hear a lot of people yelling and then an alarm goes off.  I get up and try to get to the door of my cell but my chains stop me. What the hell is going on? My cell door opens and I see Aleta on the other side. She hurries over to me and unlocks my chains.

“Come on quickly!” Aleta and I run out of the cell and down a hall.

“What’s going on?” I ask as we are running.

“Getting you out of here.” She replies. I hear more gunfire behind us. “Just keep running, I’ve got some people keeping all of the guards busy. They won’t notice you are gone until we are long gone.”

Aleta and I just keep running until we reach the roof of the building where a hover craft is waiting for us. It is hovering just over the building. We both grab onto the ladder that is hanging down and freeze in place. The ladder starts to pull us up and I take this chance to look behind me. I see heaps of men run onto the roof, they start shooting at us. We are too far away for them to hit us so they give up trying. I notice one of the men angrier than the others and I recognise him instantly. Gale starts yelling at the guards; but whatever he was telling them doesn’t matter; because we are long gone.

We’ve been flying for about ten minutes and I’ve been dying to ask Aleta about what’s going on. She’s been talking to the pilot the whole time but now is my chance to ask her a question. I ask the first question that has been on my mind since she came to my cell today.

“Isn’t Snow going to be mad that I’m gone? Won’t he blow up the districts?”

“That’s what we thought he was going to do; but we were wrong.”

“So there are no bombs?” I ask.

“Oh no there are still bombs, Snow just can’t set them off manually. So removing you wasn’t an issue. Snow can’t destroy the districts just yet.”

“That’s good then.” I say. “If he can’t set off the bombs then we have nothing to worry about.” 

“Not exactly, the bombs are still going to go off. Snow set them up years ago; he set them up so he could blow up the entire district just before he dies. This was before the rebellion though so he didn’t know he was going to get executed. They are set to go off when 23 cannons are heard throughout the arena.”

“Does that mean?”

“If you’re going to say that the only way to stop the bombs from exploding is to make sure that no more than 22 cannons go off, then you are right. We have to stop the Hunger Games before it’s too late.”       

Katiniss’s POV

It’s been weeks since Ashleigh left to go fight in the games along with a lot of the other victor’s children. I’ve been having night mares every single night. Peeta has had a lot more episodes since she left and Isaac has been repeatedly asking when his sister will be home. It breaks my heart every time he asks, every time I respond with the same word, soon. I believe she will be home soon; she will win the hunger games. She just has to come home alive. I would never forgive myself if she didn’t make it out of the games, I should have known the Snow wasn’t dead. I hear a knock at my front door and slowly go to answer it. I open the door and am surprised to see Annie there. She hugs me straight away and starts crying.

Revenge: Hunger GamesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant