Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

POV Ashleigh 

All of the tributes are silent, stunned with this announcement. I start looking up and down the line of tributes trying to figure out who’s missing. I start worrying that someone in the alliance was killed last night. I know it’s not Aiden or Nathaniel as they are standing next to me. I sigh in relief when I see Tess, Sam and Finnick further down the line. As I’m looking my eyes connect with Sam’s and he looks away quickly. I start scanning the line looking for the missing tribute. My eyes land on the female tribute from district 10, she stands alone without a district partner.  She isn’t looking at any of the other tributes. The lady who announced the death of the tribute starts talking again.

“I am just going to remind you all that the games have not started yet. Killing or hurting another tribute is against the rules. There will be consequences for the person who killed the tribute when we find out who they were. For now back to training.”  She turns and exits the room and then all of the other tributes walk off to a station. Some are whispering to each other. I however watch the district 10 girl walk to another station. She walks over to a table where a line of throwing knives are. She picks one of them up and then throws it at the line drawn person on the wall. She picks up two more knives and throws those ones as well. The whole room has gone silent again; I guess I wasn't the only one watching her. She turns to face everyone.

“When I find who killed my district partner this will be their fate. One knife in the eye, one in the gut, one in the neck and-” She throws the last knife. “One in the heart.”  The room stays dead silent. I see movement over the other side of the room and turn my head to see Aiden walking towards the girl. Everyone in the room starts training again but I wait until Aiden is finished talking to the girl to go talk to him. When he walks away I walk up to him. 

“What were you talking to her about?” I ask. 

“Hello to you to. I was just asking our newest member of the alliance if they wanted to join us.” 

“You invited her without asking us first.” 

“We've been over this already, I don't need to ask you anything. Besides we need her in the alliance, she's good at throwing knives and most of the people on this alliance can only use hand to hand combat weapons.” Aiden doesn't let me respond by walking away from me, so I walk over to the girl from district 10, my new alliance member. 

“Hi” I say as she is getting the knives out of the wall. “I was told that you will be joining our alliance.” 

“Look if you don't want me in the alliance that's fine.” She says to me.

“I never-” 

“But you don't want me in the alliance. Am I right? I heard you arguing with that guy.” I think about this for a second. 

“You're wrong. I do want you in this alliance.” Aiden was right when he said that we need someone who can use a weapon that is not hand to hand combat, not that I will admit that Aiden is right. She raises her eyebrow at me. “Trust me I think you would be good for this Alliance.” ​

“Ok but I have one condition about joining the alliance?”

“And that would be?” 

“That I get to kill whoever killed my district partner.”

“Of course.” I say without thinking it through, of course I would let her get her revenge. It’s all everyone’s been talking about lately; it seems to be a theme for this year’s Hunger games. “I just realised I actually don’t know your name.” 

Revenge: Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now