Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Ashleigh’s POV

Sam knocks on Tessa's door and we wait for her to let us in. She finally comes to the door and opens it for us. 

“Morning.” She says as she waves us in to her room. 

“Morning” Both Sam and I say in unison. 

“How are you?” Sam asks Tess. 

“I'm fine.” Tess says sounding a bit annoyed. “Now please don't start asking me every five minutes. Can you leave Ash and I alone for a bit?” 

“Why?” Sam asks sounding a bit shocked that she was kicking him out of the room. 

“Don't ask questions just go.” Tess starts pushing him out of the room and he starts arguing when she closes the door in his face. I stand their shocked. 

“Why did you kick him out?”

“Because he wouldn't stop asking me how I was on the way to the train.” She says with an exaggerated sigh. 

“He's just worried about you.” I say as I sit on her bed. 

“Yeah I know, but you would hate for someone to repeatedly ask you how you are when it obvious.” True. “I'm starving, mind coming with me while I get something to eat.” I nod and follow her out of the room and we head to where Sam and I were previously. There is a guy already sitting at the table when we enter. He looks to be a couple of years older than Tess and I. Once Tess grabs her food we both go and sit down. The guy looks up at us when we are finally seated. 

“Hi I'm Nathaniel, district 13” He says. I'm about to introduce myself when he interrupts me. “No wait let me guess.” He turns to Tess. “You must be Johanna Mason’s daughter Tessa. You’re the spitting image of your mum.” He turns to me. “And you must be Ashleigh Mellark, daughter of Peeta and Katniss. You even wear your hair like your mother and have the same blue eyes as your father. Your eyes are a very pretty shade of blue.” He says. I hear someone cough behind me and turn to see Sam standing there. 

“Where have you two been, I was worried.” He says sounding a little bit angry. Tess glares at him. 

"Yeah right, it's not like the people running this are going to let us get hurt before their precious games.” Tessa says back getting angrier. Tess may seem like a very girly girl but she definitely has her mother’s temper. Well they both do. 

“You still should have told me where you were.” 

“No I didn't need to tell you where we were, we don't need you to baby sit us.” Tess snaps back. Sam turns to look at Nathaniel ignoring Tess. 

“And who are you?” Sam asks. 

“Nathaniel, District 13.”  

“Ok I'm going to make myself clear now, stay away from both of them or else.” Sam says glaring at Nathaniel. Where did that come from?  “Come on were leaving.” 

“No.” Tess says. Sam again ignores her comment and pulls her out of her seat. Tess pushes him off her. She then storms out of the room leaving the three of us alone. “Ash we are leaving, now.” Sam says exiting the room not even looking back to see if I have followed. I do follow and when we leave the room I grab his arm to stop him from walking off. 

“What the hell Sam. Why did you do that?” I say glaring at him. 

“I don't like that you didn’t tell me where you were.” Sam says not looking me in the eye.

“It gives you no right to treat Tess like that and to threaten someone. You don’t need to make yourself a target in the games. ” Sam doesn’t reply and he still doesn’t look at me.

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