Chapter Seventeen

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It was a brand new week and everyone was looking forward to more of the happier days than the sad ones. Seung Yoon went to the bread shop early, skipping breakfast. Minzy woke up early as well to help Aunt Soo Jin prepare the morning meal. While Jenny and Uncle Dong Wook woke up just in time for breakfast.

Everyone enjoyed a good chat that morning leaving them with positive energy to last them the entire day. Jenny and Minzy decided to follow Seung Yoon to the bread shop. The two decided to just walk their way up to the subway station. But before they could go any further, Dae Sung spotted them and insisted on giving them a ride to the bread shop.

"Hop in!" invited Dae Sung.

We're going to the bread shop. It's out of the way, so...," trailed off Jenny.

"That's okay! And don't tell me I'm going to be late!" he insisted.

Minzy turned to Jenny and whispered, "I think we should accept his offer. We're going to save some energy plus, we'll have extra money from not taking the subway." Jenny looked at her bestfriend in disappointment. "You lazy girl!" she whispered back. Jenny opened the front door to let Minzy in. She hesitated for a while and then went in. Jenny smiled as she closed the door and hurriedly went to sit at the back. Dae Sung was busy fiddling with his phone, not seeing who sat beside him. He was expecting Jenny, as usual, and was surprised to see Minzy there. He looked at his rear view mirror and saw Jenny seated at the back, putting her seatbelt on. "Let's go!" exclaimed Jenny just as she looked at him and smiled.

Dae Sung accompanied the two girls to the bread shop. Seung Yoon was surprised to see his bestfriend knowing that he should be at work. "What are you doing here?" asked Seung Yoon as he gave his friend a pat at the back as a greeting. "I chanced upon these two and decided to give them a lift. And don't worry about me being late," Dae Sung answered. Seung Yoon shoved off the topic and focused on instructing Jenny and Minzy with the tasks for that day.

Dae Sung soon said his goodbyes and left the three huddling over the tasks list. As he was walking back to his car, he felt like someone was watching him by the alley near the shop. He glanced back for a second look and found no one. He then proceeded to his car and headed on to work. 

Seung Yoon and the girls came out of work later than usual and decided to pass by the pojangmacha near the park to eat tteokbokki. And since they were near Seung Yoon's home, Jenny and Minzy were allowed to drink soju. They were already halfway through the first two servings of tteokbokki when Jenny suddenly remembered Dae Sung and his love for tteokbokkis. Seung Yoon, at first, didn't like the idea because of Minzy but gave in anyway because his cousin was there. Jenny fished for her phone and dialled Dae Sung's number. 

Minzy was secretly excited about the idea of Dae Sung coming over. She was anxiously making glances at Jenny who was busy talking on the phone with Dae Sung. Seung Yoon pretended to not sense this, but he did and it hurt him. "He's coming over," announced Jenny as she ended the call.

Dae Sung leisurely walked his way to the pojangmacha. Up ahead, the tent came into view, and so was a stranger hiding behind a tree, slightly hidden by the shadows, clearly looking out unto the tent. He was just about to ignore the person, when a thought suddenly struck him as he got nearer the area. "A gray hoodie... Minzy... the man in the gray hoodie?!" he thought to himself. The stranger was very busy observing that he didn't hear Dae Sung approaching. He crept behind the stranger's back and stayed a foot away to see who he was looking at and saw that indeed, he was watching his friends whose table was very visible from where he was currently standing. He then grabbed the man's arm forcing him to turn around. "Who are you?" asked Dae Sung sternly. The man, wide-eyed, tried to run away from him but Dae Sung's grip was very strong. "Who the hell are you?" asked Dae Sung once more, a bit louder this time but not loud enough to be heard by the people at the tent. The man did not move nor answer.

Dae Sung was becoming furious. He needed answers now that he has finally caught the mysterious man in the gray hoodie. He removed the hood of the jacket off the man's head and realized that he doesn't resemble anyone he knew or had seen around the neighborhood. "Why are you observing my friends? How long have you been doing this? What is your relation to Jenny?" he asked him without pause, shaking him hard for answers. The man still remained mum and instead answered him with a cough. In his fury, Dae Sung was about to punch the guy in the face when he felt someone grab his fist halfway through the air. He was then pushed aside really hard, which almost made him lose his balance. When he regained his composure, the man was no longer standing before him. He looked around and saw him walking behind him, a black coat now hanging loosely over his head and back. He was being aided by someone and he was still having a coughing fit. Though he wanted to follow him badly, he let him go this time. He knew that that won't be the last time they'll see each other.

"Dae Sung...," called out Minzy who was standing a foot away from him. 

"Minzy... why ar... how long have you been standing there?" he stuttered, surprised at her sudden appearance.

"Not that long," she answered with a smile and added, "Why are you just standing there?"

"I... uh... I... was just about to go to the tent when I happened to pass by someone I knew," he lied.

Minzy then led him to the table where she left Jenny and Seung Yoon and excused herself once again to continue on her way to the convenience store to buy something sweet for dessert. She knew that Dae Sung was lying. She knew what she saw, and clearly, he didn't know the person because they haven't met before. She was sure of it because he recognized him, it was Seung Hyun. 

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