Chapter Thirty Nine

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Jenny got off the bus slowly. She seemed to have lost all energy just thinking of Seung Hyun.

"Jenny!" called out Dae Sung.

She looked up, her eyes starting to turn red from crying. Dae Sung approached her and gave her a quick hug. "Why didn't you tell me you were arriving today?" he asked, smiling carefully as he did so.

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After the incident at Hwangmaesan, Seung Hyun's health started to deteriorate more quickly. There were times when he would sleep for a whole day and would eat like a pig the next day, as if nothing was wrong with him. Whenever he would ask them to take him out, they would always get his wheelchair ready but he would always refuse, shouting angrily at everyone, telling them to not treat him like a sickly person when in fact, he is. There were also times when he and Jenny would argue about him discontinuing his treatments.

"If I did not have this kind of sickness and live healthily like I should, I would still die eventually. Nobody can escape death. I might have to leave you sooner or later so please... don't force me to do something I gave up on already," he would always say.

As days went by, their arguments grew lesser and lesser because it became harder and harder for Seung Hyun to speak until... he could speak no more. Everything he wanted to say, he would write on a piece of paper. He couldn't even argue anymore about using the wheelchair because he couldn't stand for a long time without assistance. His headaches also became more sever, even occurring more than once in any given day. Seeing what his sickness had done to him made everyone, especially Jenny, feel devastated. She would sometimes cry silently in the bathroom so that no one could hear her. She now understood why Seung Hyun had ran away during the time that he needed her the most.

Seung Hyun had managed to write one last time on his notebook. Though he was clearly struggling, he tried to finish what he was writing. That one paragraph took him almost an hour, hiding it whenever someone, except for Minzy, Ji Yong, and Mr. Chung, would come see him. These three persons knew of his surprise for Jenny. In fact, they have helped him with the preparations long before.

He had already planned his last gift for Jenny as soon as he arrived from Paris- a small museum containing all of his memories of her. He started to paint her the way he remembered her during those happy moments and soon added new ones from photos he took of her while following her around Seoul. But the painting that he treasured the most was that of Jenny wearing her bridal gown. He had managed to take a snapshot of his bride before disappearing entirely. He managed to paint her beautifully even though the picture of her that he had captured was that of a worried bride walking away from her bridal car, unaware that his groom had gone missing. Mr. Chung was the only person who had helped him with his little museum before he accidentally met again with Minzy and finally, Ji Yong. And since Minzy was the one closest to Jenny, she was tasked to give her bestfriend the letter that he had written for her a few months back.

Seeing his determination, Ji Yong and Mr. Chung both, at the time of their separate visits, thought of helping him write but forgot that he could no longer speak. He could no longer tell them what he was thinking out loud. This made Mr. Chung shed tears, which he hid carefully from his young master whom he had grown to love as his own son. "If I would be given another chance to meet you in my next lifetime, I would be more than grateful and happy to serve you once again... my son," he boldly and lovingly uttered. Seung Hyun stopped writing, looked at him and smiled just as the tears started to well up in his eyes. Mr. Chung hugged his young master and kissed his forehead and whispered, "There is no such thing as goodbye, just... see you soon. I love you my son."


Seung Hyun wrote these words on a piece of paper and handed it to Mr. Chung. After reading what Seung Hyun had written for him, he stood up from the bedside and gave his young master a final ninety-degree bow, his tears flowing continuously as he did so.

As soon as he had finished writing, Seung Hyun placed the notebook inside its box and handed it over to Mr. Chung, who then discreetly handed it over to Ji Yong who was waiting by the corridor. He then placed it back inside the storeroom of the small unused room in the restaurant where they had first planned to keep it. Ji Yong cried as he was doing this one last favor for his bestfriend, whom he had also treated as his own brother. "I'm sorry that I couldn't cry in front of you. I just wanted to be strong for you my brother. I don't even know why I'm crying, but the way you acted just now tells me that... you don't have much time left. I love you my brother. See you soon...," he said in between sobs, talking out loud as if Seung Hyun was in front of him.

Jenny was the last person to see him off, unaware that it would be the last time he would look her in the eye with a smile so warm. He held her hand as she tucked him into bed, never letting go even as she kissed him goodnight. "I love you Seung Hyun. I would never get tired of saying this to you. I love you more than you'll ever know," she whispered.

And just as the last flower buds of spring awakened, Seung Hyun fell into a deep sleep and never woke up again.

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