Chapter One

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"Passport please." Jenny was lost deep in thought. She did not get to sleep a lot while on the plane because of so many things bothering her. "Excuse me Miss. I need to see your passport." Surprised, Jenny handed the airport staff her passport. Afterwards, she walked straight to Minzy who was waiting for her. "Are you okay, Jenny? You look like you haven't had sleep for days. Are you somehow..."

"I'm sorry Minzy," interrupted Jenny. "It just keeps coming back to me no matter how hard I try to divert my attention. I... I am so tired. I just don't know what to do anymore." Jenny was near to crying when Minzy suddenly pointed at a sign a few feet away. It was held by a middle-aged man, her uncle.

"Bom? Is that you? Oh my, you grew up so fast! I like your short hair by the way. It suits you well," exclaimed Jenny's uncle who winked at Minzy. "I'm sorry sir. I'm not Bom. My name's Minzy, her friend. She...," pointing at Jenny who was behind her, "is Bom. But she prefers to be called in her English name." Jenny's uncle blushed a bright red. "Jenny... it is you, alright. Looks just like your mother. Pardon me, Minzy, for my mistake. I am Uncle Dong Wook, by the way," shaking Minzy's hand roughly. "Nice meeting you, Uncle Dong Wook! Pardon me, but, were you somehow informed that a friend will be going with Jenny?" asked Minzy anxiously. "Of course I was. Do not worry. I already prepared your room. So, shall we go?" Minzy turned to Jenny who just kept silent all throughout the exchange. "Welcome to Seoul."

Upon their arrival, they were greeted by Aunt Soo Jin and Jenny's cousin, Seung Yoon, who blushed a little upon seeing a new face with Jenny. "Hi cousin! It's been a long time!" greeted Seung Yoon. "Why don't you two come inside. Appa and I will be bringing your things to your room so you don't need to worry about it." Aunt Soo Jin led the way while the two followed her. At the doorway, there were already slippers prepared for the two of them. "It's a good thing these were already here because I totally forgot that we need to take off our shoes," whispered Minzy just as Aunt Soo Jin turned around to face them. "I've already prepared our lunch while waiting for you girls. Do you eat a lot of Korean food there in Paris?" asked Aunt Soo Jin quite cheerfully. "Not really auntie. Only when there are special occasions," replied Jenny. "Well then! You two are going to be spoiled with exquisite Korean food prepared by yours truly. I promise, I'm going to make you two miss it all once you go back," she boasted. This unexpected remark made both Jenny and Minzy smile. Aunt Soo Jin won't be hard to get along with after all. But they are most likely going to gain weight during their stay here.

Lunch was quite scrumptious leaving both Jenny and Minzy bloated. They were not used to this kind of meal after all, having more than ten side dishes and all that. Minzy suddenly spoke in a sleepy voice, "I think I need to go upstairs now and... rest? Yeah, I think I'll just do that. Excuse me." She got up and walked slumpily up the stairs. "Your friend is really not used to this big of a meal, is she?" asked Uncle Dong Wook while stifling a giggle. "No, she isn't. And so am I uncle. I feel like my tummy's going to explode from all those food I ate. But, who can resist food especially if it is this good?" At this, Aunt Soo Jin blushed a little. "Omma's cooking is really good, isn't it couz?" added Seung Yoon. Jenny just nodded. 

The next day, after breakfast, Jenny, Minzy, and Seung Yoon decided to take a walk by the park near the house. Along the way, they bumped into a young man who happened to be the Kangs' neighbor, Kang Dae Sung. Seung Yoon recognized him immediately as he is Seung Yoon's childhood friend and bestfriend. Although they have the same surname, they are not actually related to each other. It is actually very common in Korea to have the same surname as others, even your neighbor.

"Oh! Seung Yoon! I didn't expect to see you out at this time of day. Have you heard...," Dae Sung suddenly stopped, realizing that Seung Yoon's not alone. "Um, I see you have company. Mind if you, um...," he trailed off. Seung Yoon laughed at his friend's sudden change in attitude. He knows how shy Dae Sung can be when in front of girls. "Couz, Minzy, this is Dae Sung. He is my neighbor, childhood friend, and bestfriend all rolled into one," introduced Seung Yoon while pointing at his friend. "Dae Sung, meet my cousin Jenny and her bestfriend, Minzy. They're from Paris and had just arrived yesterday. It's actually their second visit here, I think." Dae Sung meekly offered a hand to each girl, smiling at them timidly. "Why don't you just help me in touring them around the neighborhood?" asked Seung Yoon. Dae Sung was a little hesitant at first, but gave in anyway, "Um... okay. I could use a little walk."

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