Chapter Six

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Darkness. She could see nothing but darkness. Where was she? And then, a bright light turned on just above her head, a spotlight. She squinted at the sudden brightness and then another light went on illuminating the place where she was. She was standing at the very edge of the first step of the same spiral staircase, which leads down to more darkness below. Once again, she felt a presence behind her. This time around, she did not move. She wanted to know who was chasing after her before, in the same dream. She turned around. She expected to see a clear face this time but, she was surprised by who she saw. It was the stranger in the gray hoodie.

Jenny forced her eyes to open. That dream... why was she in that dream again? And who was the stranger in the gray hoodie? She turned her head to the side. Minzy was completely knocked out beside her. She looked at the clock. It was just four in the morning. The sky outside was still dark. She scrunched up her eyebrows trying to remember what she saw yesterday when she fell lying on the ground. She saw the stranger's hand alright. It was held out to her and somehow, her hand felt at ease with the stranger's hand. She was now sure that it belonged to a man. It somehow even felt like... like his hand but, it can't be. She had already dismissed that scene as a hallucination because neither Minzy nor Seung Yoon ever mentioned about a man helping him out. Surely, they would see him from afar, wouldn't they? Sleep was once again weighing in on her so, she slowly closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift away until she fell into a dreamless sleep.

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"I'm going back to Hongdae," declared Jenny. "What?! Jenny, couldn't you just go tomorrow? My head still hurts and we've been out all day yesterday. Aren't you tired?" ranted Minzy. "I... I just wanted to take a stroll there and probably take some pictures too," explained Jenny. She had to lie to her bestfriend and pretend she is okay just so that she could find the stranger in the gray hoodie, alone. "I don't want you to go there alone. If you're so insistent, then wait for me. I'm just going to get dressed," said Minzy as if she's reading her mind. "It's okay Minzy. I now know how to go there. You don't need to accompany me. You can just...," trailed off Jenny who was searching for the right words to reassure her bestfriend that she is going to be fine alone. "Just text me every ten minutes like you always do. And I promise you, I won't do anything that will make you worried. Minzy..." Jenny reached out for Minzy's hand and held it. "I know how worried you are. Just... please... trust me this time. I am trying my best to bring my old self back. I know I'll get hurt in the process eventually but, I need it. I need this," pleaded Jenny. Minzy looked at her bestfriend's eyes and what she saw hurt her. She felt her desperation and sadness. She knows that there is something more to this little trip of Jenny's to Hongdae than what she was actually saying. But, she was scared. She doesn't want Jenny to go through complete shutdown again. She promised herself that she won't leave her this time no matter what happens. "Jenny, I know that we're here for that purpose. I'm sorry if I am becoming overprotective of you. I hope you understand why I'm like this towards you. But, I also know that there are some steps which you need to retrace alone. Just remember that I am always here for you in case the road becomes too rough for you to walk on." Jenny hugged her bestfriend. Truly she was blessed to be given such a friend like her.

Jenny walked the same street that they passed through yesterday. She stopped at the exact spot where she unexpectedly fell and encountered the stranger. She has a strong feeling that he holds the answer to her mysterious dream. She scanned the area around her, hoping that she will get a glimpse of a gray hoodie. But she had no such luck. 

Raindrops started pouring so, she started to walk briskly towards the graffiti-filled street that she got quite fond of. By the time she reached the area, the rain was already pouring heavily. Jenny quickly took shelter at the nearest store. She stood by the front door of the shop while looking up at the dark sky. "Looks like it's going to rain for a while," she murmured to herself. Turning around, she saw all the beautiful paintings displayed for sale by the window. She took a peek inside and saw a cafe bar. There was an open sign by the door so, she decided to go inside to dry herself up and probably have some coffee while waiting for the rain to stop. 

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