The Mind Doctor

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The next day we wake up in our cribs, to hear someone in the house that isn't mommy or daddy. We sat up, grabbed our teddies, yelled for mommy and daddy, only to find that our speech has gone away! Our immediate response was to start screaming, crying and wailing. Once they came in to pick us up, we were asked, "what's wrong boys? We're just downstairs, we didn't go far." When we calmed down, we started making baby noises and were carried downstairs into the living room and saw a lady wearing a white suit with a board like Mommy had at the doctors, 'why does everybody have a board with them now?' Addison and I thought at the same exact moment.

The moment we were placed down, we crawled to the lady and made puzzling looks at her. "Hello, little ones my name is Sherley, and I'll be watching you to on how you play and what goes on with you, now what might be your names?" She asks, but the only response we get from her was apparently babbling, although everything I heard was in English. She starts writing when daddy says, "their names are Max and Addison, that's why we have an M for Max on his clothing and an A for Addison." That's weird, shouldn't she already know our names? But that's not the only weird thing going on, because for some reason, we can't stand up anymore. When she's done writing she looks at us and asks, "Can you to talk like us or walk yet little ones?" We shake our heads no and crawl towards our toys.

After a while of Sherley watching us and writing some stuff down, she goes to mommy and daddy and we hear her tell them, "well I've concluded that they are perfectly normal except they seem to be mentally regressing even further than when someones usually do when bitten, but I also noticed they also seem to be physically regressing to a newborn, but don't worry, they won't get hurt, although it is rare, they will still be perfectly healthy." Soon we hear mommy reply with, "thank you, is there anything we need to do when they fully regress to newborns?" "I'd recommend you continue doing what you're doing, but I would recommend an extra 10cc's of love!" She exclaimed with laughter, which then was continued by mommy and daddy. Soon though she leaves and we finally get breakfast, which was a bowl of cinnamon flavoured oatmeal, whatever those 2 things are. Later we just have a normal day of playing with toys, playing with mommy and daddy, watching some tv, then it was finally napping time.

Our new homeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें