Bath time

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The moment we got home, we got carried upstairs, to a room with a giant white bowl inside, they undressed us, ran water into the bowl and put us into the bowl. The water felt very warm and really relaxing enough for us to fall back asleep. "No,no,no, you guys need to stay awake so you can have your bath. 'Bath?' We thought as we tilted our heads as much as we could. "W-w-w-what's a bawf?" Addi asked while having a hard time staying awake. As they started putting a weird liquid on both of our heads, they answered his question with, "a bath is something you do to get clean after you're dirty." 'Oh' we thought as they started pouring water over our heads.

Eventually some of the water got in our eyes, which started stinging and was very painful. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" We yelled as loud as we can, which makes mommy and daddy pick us up, dry us and wipe our eyes, so the water doesn't hurt anymore, carry us to our room, dress us up in our pajamas and cuddle us until we're asleep. But they didn't let us fall asleep until we got our bottles and got covered up and had our teddies to help us sleep. Then we got to sleep and get better.

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