The Bite

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We woke up to Daddy this time, smiling and saying, "good morning boys, do you know what today is?" His question was confusing to us, so all he got from us was 2 puzzled looks and tilted heads. Once he noticed us he continued, "you two are going to become vampires today!"

That certainly got us scared because everyone knows that in order for a human to become a vampire, you have to get bitten by a vampire. Not only that but it's also extremely painful and if the vampire wants to raise you as their kid, they have to keep their fangs in longer to let the venom sink into your blood. Not only that but if the other parent wants them to have their venom put in you with a needle. Which the venom makes you shrink and apparently loose all hairs but the ones on your head? But on the bright side, we'll get to forget our past lives as humans. Because everyone knows that when you become a vampire you can sometimes loose all memories of your human life.

So when daddy sees us start to hide under our blankets, he reassures us by saying, "it's ok boys, we know it hurts, me and mommy have been through this before, so mommy and I won't let you two get hurt too badly." Upon hearing this we lift the blankets over and make grabby hands for him, he carries us to the back yard, grabs my right arm and grabs Addi's left arm before saying, "now we already put mommy's venom in your blood, therefore the only thing we have to do for you to become vampires is for me to inject my venom from my fangs into one of your wrists each." After he injects us with his venom, we start loosing all memories of our human lives. 'good, I'm glad we don't have to have the pain anymore' we're both thinking at the same time, the only memories we aren't loosing are the ones about us and that we're twins. At that instant, everything starts to fade into black, then we just collapse on the grass.

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