First friendship

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(1 week later)

It's already been a long time since mommy and daddy saved us and we're loving every moment of it. we were playing with our toys when mommy came down and walked over to tell us, "guess what boys? You're going to have 2 friends today!" We looked at each other, wondering what a friend is, then looked back at mommy and I asked her, "what's a fwend?" "A friend is someone who you can play with and have sleep overs with!" Mommy says as she's making our lunch. When she finished making our lunch she put us in our highchairs and gave us a chocolate chip cookies (my favorite food), an m&m cookie (Addi's favorite food), and 2 grilled cheese sandwiches. But before we eat anything, i give Addi my m&m cookie and he gave me his chocolate chip cookie, which got mommy to start smiling at us and exclaim, "I guess I gave you two the wrong cookies." All we did was giggle when she said that. Once we were done our lunch, mommy cleaned us, much to our disapproval, then she carried us to our crib and gave us our bottles and said, "we'll meet your new friends after your nap, now just go to sleep you two." We eventually fell asleep when she said that.

Once we woke up, we called out to mommy and she came in with a smile and said, "did you two have a good nap?" "ya!" We both said while trying to get out of her grip. She continued to carry us to our play pen, but there was something different, there were 2 other boys there, playing with our toys. We looked up at mommy with a puzzling look. "That's your new friends, why don't you go play with them, while I talk with their parents." She says as she puts us in our playpen.

"Hi!" We hear as we crawl towards the 2 other boys. "Hi, "hi," we reply to them, while tilting our heads and I ask, "what ouw names?" "I Mickey! He Etan (Ethan)! What ouw names?" he asks while smiling and handing us each a cookie. We take the cookies and Addi says, "I Addi and dis my bestest tin bwodew, MAX!" Mommy hears us and quickly says, "Addison, you your inside voice please ok?" "Ok mommy,"  He replies then looks back at us, only to hear laughing from them. "what funny?" I ask while they continue laughing. "ouw name not Addi, it Addison!" They say after laughing. At that moment I see Addi start to tear up, so I crawl over to him and try to comfort him, while he starts crying and replies with, "I-I-I CAN'T SAY IT WIGHT OK?!"

"Whats going on here?!" Mommy asks. Meanwhile Addi's still crying, so I answered for him. "Dey'we making fun of Addi 'cause we can't say his name fuwwy yet." I say while trying to calm Addi down and making an angry face at Mickey and Ethan. "Boys that's not nice. You have a hard time saying Ethan's name, so why should you make fun of them for having a hard time?" Their mommy says to them. "Otay...we'we sowwy." They apologized, but we just look away because we don't like how we were treated. Soon we get picked up and they leave and we have the whole house to ourselves again and we fall asleep, because we don't know why we're so tired.

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