Chapter 37: Fairy Sphere

Start from the beginning

"Bonnie, that's not nice." Clemont sweat-dropped.

I did too, knowing it was Dialga's powers' doing. "Wow, he was good at that."

"Well, when Dialga came, I could feel he was very powerful, too." Everyone looked at Mavis again.

"You know about Dialga?" Ash asked.

"Of course. I watch over the guild. So I saw the informational meeting and all the battles. I gotta say, when I first saw you come to the guild, Ellie, I was really happy to finally find out when you joined."

I blushed. "Mavis, you're embarrassing me..."

"Don't let it get to you, Ellie." Gray said. "We're all glad you joined."

A tremor then shook the guild hall, stabbing fear into my chest. "What?" I looked around after it was done after a few seconds. "Already?"

"What was that?" Lucy asked in fear herself.

"He's coming..." Mavis said in a serious tone. "I can feel him waking up."

"Arceus? But how?" I looked at her in dismay.

"I've been keeping an eye on our dimension as well, even though it's not an easy thing to do."

"You can do that, Master?" Wendy asked.

"I may be a spirit, but that doesn't mean I'm helpless. I just hope we have enough time to think about our strategy in putting him back to sleep again."

"The only ones who would be able to do that would be the legendaries themselves," I replied to her, also telling the whole guild. "I just hope they are on our side, too."

"I thought you might say that." Mavis grinned. "Because I may know of a way to summon them."

I blinked at her in suprise, as did everyone else. "You really remember everything, don't you?"

Mavis laughed. "Only because we need to protect our home, right? So let's get to it." She closed her eyes, and everyone in the guild stepped up to her to listen. She opened her eyes again, and three small lights appeared in front of her. "These are images of the three grand fairy spells that can only be cast by members of the guild. I'm sure that with the power of these and the power of everyone's Pokémon, we can send out a signal to all of them in your world."

"A signal that matches their own power..." I concluded. "Palkia can bring us all back...and then we can release that into our world to let them know what's happening!"

"Are you sure that will work?" Lucy asked.

"It's a risk I want to take. If Arceus is coming here, then I know he'll go to the Pokémon world after since they are connected now. That's why the legendaries will sense him, too."

"You really thought this through, didn't you?" Serena asked.

"That's our first master!" Natsu grinned. "When do we go?"

"As soon as possible. Can you summon Palkia again?"

"We can try," I answered for me and Ash. "But who will cast such powerful spells?"

"You will. Well, one of them at least."

Everyone gasped in shock along with me. "What? Me?"

Mavis nodded. "You're a member of the guild, right?"

"But I don't cast magic! I don't think I even can!"

"Just because you weren't born here doesn't mean you don't have the power to. The spell you need to cast takes the love of those you care about and creates a defense magic that can stop any kind of evil, even time itself. But it can be used for a signal, too."

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