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Amble- Walk leisurely.

Careen- Move swiftly in one direction.

Falter- Move hesitantly; start to lose strength and momentum.

Flounder- Walk with great difficulty.

Limp- Walk with difficulty, normally due to injury.

Lumber- Move heavily or clumsily.

Lurch- Walk as if unable to control one's movements; an unsteady tilt or roll.

Meander- Walk aimlessly or with little purpose.

Parade- March in a procession.

Prowl- Move about in or if in a predatory manner.

Ramble- Move about aimlessly or without any destination.

Saunter- Walk in a slow, or replaced manner, without hurry or effort.

Skulk- Move stealthily; keep out of sight.

Stagger- Walk or move unsteadily, as if to fall.

Stalk- Walk stiffly.

Stride- Walk with long steps.

Stroll- Walk leisurely and with no apparent aim.

Strut- To walk with a lofty proud gait.

Stumble- Miss a step and fall or nearly fall.

Swagger- Walk with confidence, arrogance or aggressiveness.

Totter- Move in a feeble, unsteady way.

Waddle- Walk with short steps and a clumsily swaying motion.

Wade- Walk through shallow water.


Instagram: raincovet_

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