Playing with Fire

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            Freya went searching for Archie and she figured to in places where mother dearest may be at and something looked odd at the docks she went into the invisible ship and looked about she heard someone coming she vanished. Captain Hook came into a room on the ship and spoke to Archie then left when she appeared in the room astonishing Archie she went and remove the restraints from his mouth he said "Freya" she hushed him pointing to deck the sounds of shuffling feet she said "You're going to be the salvation that keeps my sister in good graces with Emma" he whispered "What are you going to do?" she said "I have a great idea for you, brace yourself this will be a doozy". She sent him to Snow and David scaring the bejesus out of them with his appearance he filled them in on Cora taking him and Freya saved his life from the cruelty of Captain Hook David said "Freya was right, and we were so blinded by Regina's past deeds we didn't believe her when she was telling the truth" Snow said "Freya, warned us and we didn't listen". Hook came back to get intel from Archie to find him gone but before he went to leave Freya appeared behind him she said "Hello Captain" the words rolled off her tongue in seductive matter that made the hair on back of Hook's head stand up he smirked when he faced her he said "The Red Queen as I live and breathe" she said "Oh sweet Captain, did you miss me?".

             He walked up to her to kiss her when she stopped him with her finger pressing against his lips she batted her eyes she turned away and walked to the door blocking it she said "I heard you were bested by the Savior? I thought I was the...

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             He walked up to her to kiss her when she stopped him with her finger pressing against his lips she batted her eyes she turned away and walked to the door blocking it she said "I heard you were bested by the Savior? I thought I was the only one who did that?" he said "She took me by surprise, love" she said "Oh, I thought you found her irresistible? Like she's a rare jewel to have?". He walked up to her he said "Is that a hint of jealousy, Red Queen?" she said "Please, jealous? Someone has drank too much rum" he said "I know you, the real you and I know what you long for above all else and that is to be loved and I know that in your eyes you still want that and I can give you that". She said "You lost me the moment you left Wonderland and believe me I know what love is and it's only weakness and for the well, weak" he said " Love isn't for the weak" she said "I know the real reason you are even here, because he is The Dark One is here and you're going to kill him but I won't let you". He said "How so?" she said "Surely Cora told you about my father? And who he is?" he said "That didn't come up in the conversation" she said "You say you love me right, The Dark One Rumplestiltskin is my father so take that to heart you kill him you lose me and trust me you don't want to see me give into darkness because I'll promise you I'll be a real terror" she vanished into red smoke.

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