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         Freya sought out her father Rumple, she searched his castle but he was nowhere to be found she then used her blood as a tracker and found him in a cell down in the dwarf mines he was guarded by a guard who would bring him food but nothing else as he was in the dark. When

Freya walked in he said "Who's there? Who's come to see dear old Rumple?" she came in 

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Freya walked in he said "Who's there? Who's come to see dear old Rumple?" she came in 

Freya walked in he said "Who's there? Who's come to see dear old Rumple?" she came in 

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a cloak she said "I guess you should took me up on that offer, father". He walked to the bars

he said "Freya?" she walked up to him she said "Hello father, eight years since we last spoke" he said "Freya, I see you're upset with me that's my fault I did what Cora did I sent you away"

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he said "Freya?" she walked up to him she said "Hello father, eight years since we last spoke" he said "Freya, I see you're upset with me that's my fault I did what Cora did I sent you away". She said "You sent me to Land of Untold Stories I met Hyde he really doesn't like you at all" he said "He's nothing but a failed experiment" she said "Failed? I think he was just right for my liking but you know what I found out, I know nothing of love because of you and my mother I guess I shouldn't be surprised because love is weakness" he said "That's what she says but it's powerful magic and it can break any curse" she said "Really? I doubt that with you locked up here in this cage" he said "Did you find love there?" she said "No I didn't because I feel anger for what you did to me and my thirst for vengeance unquenched against Regina". He said "The Dark Curse is upon us Freya, so we wait for the Savior to grow up and break it then I'll go find Baelfire" she said "Sweet naive father, you believe that would be so easy you clearly can't see the endgame can you? My vengeance against Regina will pick up right when the Savior breaks the curse and that's when you and everyone will witness my true power because I'm not just a pretty face, so dear father prepare for the Dark Curse but know this your mistake was sending me away deal with that" she vanished. Waiting when the Dark Curse took over the lands she said

  "I will get the last laugh, and vengeance will be mine"

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  "I will get the last laugh, and vengeance will be mine". 

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