Land of Untold Stories

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          Having arrived in realm of the Land of Untold Stories Freya had to make sense of where she was and it's inhabitants she heard stories of the feared tyrant the Warden Mr. Hyde she scoffed that these people were fearful of him when she seen worse her mother would do worse. Freya came to the grounds of a big castle-like structure she walked up to where a groundsman was pruning a flower he was taken by her beauty she said "Perhaps you can help me? I'm lost and what land am I in?" he said "I'm not suppose to talk to strangers" she saw him ignore her she said "I understand completely but can't you help me or not?" he said "I can't, the Orderly will not like it" she said "The Orderly? What's an Orderly?" Mr. Poole showed up he said "I am, and groundsman is right I won't like it" she sees him she said "I figure you be the Warden the people speak of?" he said "No, but you will meet him soon but first" he went and blasted her with the taser. Freya awakened to an anti-magic cage she tried to break-free but couldn't she saw doors 

open and a tall man come walking in he was tall and stroll in as if he owned the place she figured he was the Warden he saw her he said "You're the one who startled my groundsman" she said "Startled? I believe I was asking questions?" he said "All...

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open and a tall man come walking in he was tall and stroll in as if he owned the place she figured he was the Warden he saw her he said "You're the one who startled my groundsman" she said "Startled? I believe I was asking questions?" he said "All you need to know is that you don't want to be here, and that you're the one who is going to be answering my questions like why are you really here?" she said "Would you believe I was pushed through a portal here?" he said "You must think me for being naive, I know you're lying what does the Dark One want?" she realized he knew of her dad she couldn't reveal that to him because she be leverage but given everything of late she went and played into his hand trying to fish for info she said "So what if I know why it's not like I'm going to tell you besides I'm disposable nothing of value". He walked up to her he said "You think you're clever my dear, but don't take me for a fool I will get the truth out of you one way or another and I keep my promises perhaps a day in here would do your lips

some good" he walked out of there and shortly was greeted by the groundsman he saw she was quite breath-taking in the cage he said "I'm so sorry, for getting you thrown in there" she said "I've been in worse places before this is nothing, was that...

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some good" he walked out of there and shortly was greeted by the groundsman he saw she was quite breath-taking in the cage he said "I'm so sorry, for getting you thrown in there" she said "I've been in worse places before this is nothing, was that the Warden everyone is so fearful of?" he said "Yes, Mr. Hyde he's quite gruesome I can get you out of here but you must leave quick The Orderly will stop you" she said "What hold does Mr. Hyde have on you? Clearly you're fearful of him as well? So should you be doing this at all? Retribution would be harsh?" he said "You asked for my help earlier and I couldn't do it then but now I can" she said "Fine". He opened the cage and she left but as she got to the main doors to leave when a thought crossed her mind running away is a coward's move and she's a queen better to stand and fight than just escape she poof back inside the cage and waited for the Warden's arrival.

Freya sat in the anti-magic cage when Warden came astonished the fact she was still there when he learned that Jekyll had released her yet she remained he wanted to know what her game was he said "You could've escaped but didn't why is that for? What's your angle?" she said "My angle? Where would I go? I know nothing of this land before I do anything I be captured all over again so I saved you the time to do that" he said "You're proving to be a handful aren't you?" she said "I don't break under pressure and you will find out I'm evenly matched against you" he said "We shall see about that, what does Dark One want?" she said "Does it matter? You're here and he's not, the question is someone like yourself fear him for when clearly you're the most feared by the people here shouldn't you rejoice in that or am I naive?" she did make a point he said "What is your name?" she said "I'm Freya, The Red Queen of Wonderland" smiled

            Freya sat in the anti-magic cage when Warden came astonished the fact she was still there when he learned that Jekyll had released her yet she remained he wanted to know what her game was he said "You could've escaped but didn't why is...

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he said "Ms

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he said "Ms. Red Queen I've clearly underestimated you" she said "I have the habit on people, I'm not just a pretty face I have grit and I don't back down from a fight, The Dark One has a protege casting a Dark Curse over the land in hopes he be taken with it he just saw me as a obstacle in said plan and sent me here" he said "Obstacle? You?" she said "Yeah because his protege is my sister and I want revenge on her" he said "He was a fool to deny you your vengeance" she said "I told you what he's up to so you going to release me? Or am I still valuable for info for you?" he said "You told me what I wanted to know and clearly you're here without your plans of revenge why should I deny you that" he let her out of the cage she walked out he said "You're free to go" she said "To go where? I know nothing of this land so for me to get my vengeance I need the lay of the land and I believe you can be of assistance in that department? Unless you're too busy ruling your kingdom?" she trying to manipulate him to let her stay and it worked he said "You could be of use to me given you're a queen and all" she said "I could give you pointers in return a place to stay" he said "Fine, it's a deal".

 Red Queen I've clearly underestimated you" she said "I have the habit on people, I'm not just a pretty face I have grit and I don't back down from a fight, The Dark One has a protege casting a Dark Curse over the land in hopes he be taken with it...

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