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              Freya she was ruling Wonderland alone given Red King's sudden death she mourned his death and then prepared to appease the citizens of pushing on to better things she entertained Cora at her home she said "I'm sorry for Red King's death, Queen Freya" she said "It was sudden I guess one of his lovers hated the notion that I would always be queen and not them and ripped his heart out". She said "So, how is the power being sole queen now?" she said "It's fleeting and great, everyone believes everything I say" she said "That's good and all but do they respect you? Respect is everything to us queens" she said "You think I'm not respected? Aren't you the one that ripped people's hearts out?" she said "Yes, I didn't mean to upset you" she said "Upset, I figure you value my friendship Queen Cora?" she said "I do" she said "Let's bury the hatchet then, death and gloom is so overrated I'm thing a party of our continued friendship" she said "That's very smart of you". Freya had everything set up her servants Tweedledum and Tweedledee were at her service she said "Now make sure The Queen of Hearts' glass never runs low on drink" Tweedledee went to do make sure of that Tweedledum said "Your Majesty what of me?" she said "For my plan to work, I will learn the truth to everything" he said "Which is?" she said "We'll see". Wonderland citizens enjoying themselves she met with several of them many gave her condolences on the King's death she greeted Cora with affection many watched the exchange and wondered what was going on with them Cora said "You really outdone yourself Queen Freya" she said "I really know how to throw a party". Freya went and put her plan into motion she had got several strands of hair from Cora she went and got some of her own and compared them Tweedledum said "So what now?" she said "We wait for the magic to reveal the truth" and sure enough the hairs revealed it Tweedledum said "What does this mean?" she said "A whole of things" as she stood there knowing Cora has been lying to her from the get go.

 Freya went and put her plan into motion she had got several strands of hair from Cora she went and got some of her own and compared them Tweedledum said "So what now?" she said "We wait for the magic to reveal the truth" and sure enough the hairs...

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                   Freya went to Cora  she was viewing in the looking glass when Freya said "Hello Cora"

                   Freya went to Cora  she was viewing in the looking glass when Freya said "Hello Cora"

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she turned to see Freya there as she didn't sense her arrival as what surprised to see her she

said "Queen Freya, what a surprise to see you here?" she said "Surprise or utter shock?" she said "What are getting at?" she said "We've been friends for a long time haven't we?" she said "Yes"

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said "Queen Freya, what a surprise to see you here?" she said "Surprise or utter shock?" she said "What are getting at?" she said "We've been friends for a long time haven't we?" she said "Yes". She smiled she said "Why did you seek me out for? To teach me magic?" she said "I figure you wanted to? What are these questions?" she said "I told you the story about me being abandoned as a baby wanting to know why and who they were? I figure as a friend you would help me?" she said "I told you not to dwell on that" she said "See I can't let go the notion of that in fact I've conducted my own magic, you want to know what I found out?" she said "Humor me, sweet child" she said "It's been 28 years now, but I still know the day I was abandoned I was found in a basket with a nice ribbon tied around me as if with care, I never understood what was going on but I remember my mother how she kept saying that she was giving me away for my best chance now I know exactly who she is". Cora clutched her necklace revealing a tell to Freya she said "I must be grateful given had she not left me I wouldn't be The Red Queen with power and magic flowing through my veins" Cora said "Well, what were your results?" she said "I'm not giving you the satisfaction of that, because you've lied to me from the get go about who you really are?" she said "Freya" she said "It's your majesty and I demand the truth, mother". Cora stood there proud and tall she said "The truth, as you stated if I didn't give you up you would never become The Red Queen so I did you a favor" she was so angry she walked up to her and slapped her she said "Did me a favor? You left me alone in the woods I could've been eaten by a wild animal or worse" she said "But you weren't, you're a fierce and powerful Queen I'm so proud of you" she said "Proud? I have one for you, who's my father? Do I have siblings?" she said "A sister, Regina you two were fraternal twins you were the oldest" she said "I have a twin sister?" her blood boiling from the revelation Cora said "As for your father, he means nothing doesn't need to know about your existence" she said "Isn't he my sister's father as well?" she said "No, he is not" she said "So I'm result of affair?" she said "Before anything else, before I married my husband and I learned I was pregnant with you then to my joy news of twins but I knew if I kept you he would know and take you away" she said "So you condemn me to abandonment to make sure my father never knew of my existence, you're heartless" she said "Well, I'm not perfect but I'm here now for you, we can be a family again" she walked up to her she said "Tell me, something mother dear my sister Regina her father what was he? Was he of nobility?" she said "A prince" she said "My father what was he?" she said "He was not" she said "You abandoned me for power" she said "I regretted that decision for 28 years" she said "You want us be a family? You had 28 years to do that and I think it's best our friendship cease to exist" she said "Freya" she grabbed her hand she said "I'm your mother, you've proven to be a better daughter than Regina" she said "Let me guess, you pushed her into stuff? Controlled her life and became unruling? While I worked hard to get where I am?" she said "Well yes" she said "I bet, I can find my father he surely would love to know I exist" she said "He will ruin you and turn you dark" she said "Like you haven't, you have no idea the proper motivation there's no telling what I might do which you have clearly underestimated, goodbye mother" she vanished from Cora's palace.

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