They Found Us

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Hermione POV:

"Alright, Blaise. What did you find?" I ask the ghost of my former friend as he materializes a few feet in front of me. "Harry Potter, the one we know, isn't really Harry Potter. His names is Harry Dursley. He's the muggle born son of Petunia and Vernon Dursley." Blaise tells me, his eyes not meeting mine. Once my mind processes this odd new information, I ask him what else he found. "Cedric Diggory. He's the son of Lily and James Potter... His name is not Harry Potter though, It's Cedric Potter. They placed him in a Order Prison in Corbin, Kentucky in the U.S." Blaise tells me with a smug smile. "That's more than enough information, Blaise. Once we retrieve Cedric we can emerge with the truth and watch the Order disband and then Kill the Dark Lord once and for all. "The Order wont just give up. They will try their damn best to keep the so called light in this war on them. They have been plotting to send Neville and Ron on a mission to takeout Fred and George... Neville had spoken to me, and lets just say we have a man inside with the Order. The plan Neville has so to abandon Ron on the mission and let Voldys snatchers get him." 

So, that's how the Order wants to play this? They think it wise to attack my husbands, and endanger not only my children, but Draco's son, and the Zabini spawn that grows within Ginny. "Send me Fred and George. Tell them to bring my baby girls." I say to Blaise as I wave him away. As soon as Blaise disappears, The doors to my office is opened and In walk Fred and George, each with one of our daughters on their hip. "They are getting so big..." I say in disbelief as I reach to take Emersyn from Fred. "They will be eighteen months old soon, the last year has gone by fast. I don't even remember their birthday passing to be honest." George says to me softly, in an upset voice. "Once this war is over, the five of us will settle down and finally get a chance to be a normal family. The girls may have been born in the midst of a war... but that doesn't mean that they will grow up in the midst of one." I tell my husbands who look at me almost disbelievingly, I don't understand the looks they are giving me until Fred says, "Love, We are still just children ourselves. We grew up in the midst of a war, our parents grew up in the midst of a war, and so on... This is the wizarding world, their will always be evil that mucks about. We will take down Voldy, but after him their will be another. We don't need to settle down to be a family, we just need each other."    

It takes me a moment to realize he's right, but once I do I fling Emersyn and myself into his arms. "I love you, you bloody genius of a man!" I exclaim as I wrap one arm around him, and extend my other in the direction of George, motioning him and Diata to join in our family hug. The next few hours are spent spending time with my children and husbands, I don't think I've laughed or smiled this much since my first meeting with Fred and George when I was thirteen. Our happiness is short lived though, as soon as we put the girls to bed the three of us are getting ready to go on a mission to the states to retrieve Cedric. "After we get him back to base, the three of us are going to have some much needed alone time." I tell the twins as I pull my top over my head and move towards the door of our room. Once I open the door and exit into the sitting room of our small little base, I am surprised to see Cedric already sitting on our couch, a bloodied up Seamus and Lee sitting on either side of him. I open my mouth to speak, but before I can I am pushed to the side as Luna, Dean, and Theo rush past me to provide first aid to our two damaged men. 

"What the hell did you two do?" I yell at Seamus and Lee, watching as Luna wraps bandages around Lees head. "We went to retrieve him... Lee and I had a theory that the place they would be holding Cedric would be full of Order issued guards, who would all be aware of the bounty the Order has placed on you, Fred, and George. So, the two of us got him instead because you three are too valuable to risk losing in the midst of the blood bath to come." Seamus explains to me, a look that basically dares me to argue with his logic. "In their defense, the two of them did a bloody damn good job of  getting me away from those idiots." Cedric says to me as he flashes me a smile. "Cedric, You need to come with me so I can disclose some information to you." I tell him, but I am given an eye roll in response before he says, "I know I'm Cedric Potter, and that you need me to win this bloody war... Your two men over here told me all about it on the way here. Personally, I don't care what my birth given name is, I just want to see my sister."  With a nod of my head, I send Luna to get Amore and bring her to her brother. 

Without another word I walk into my office, Fred and George following behind me. As soon as the doors are shut, Both the boys turn to look at me expectantly. "I have something to tell the two of you... I've been thinking about how we aren't ever really safe, not even at base, and I found a solution to this problem. Using the Nott family name, I've managed to buy an entire village in the muggle world. If we move all of us to that village, and use charms and enchantments to conceal it from both Muggles and Wizards alike, we could have a safe place to plant roots and a safe place to live while we bring down Voldy and the Order." I tell Fred and George, watching as their eyes widen and wide grins spread across their faces. "That's a bloody brilliant idea, Love." they say in sync as they embrace me. Just as I go to hug the twins back, a blood curdling scream makes its way from the sitting room and into my office. The boys and I take off running into the sitting room, and find everyone else standing around a box, their eyes wide with horror. With a deep breath I take a look inside the box, and choke back a sob when I see what some monster had sent us... The arm of Blaise Zabini's that held his rebellion mark... Soon my mind processes what this means, and I find myself screaming for everyone to get out of the house... The Order had Found us. 

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