The Truth Comes Out

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Fred POV:
We've been here a week. Slowly planning out our next moves and trying to figure out a way back into Hogwarts. Hermione has been brewing some type of potion to ensure her health while she deals with some pretty intense migraines. George, Blaise, some bloke name Theodore Nott, Draco, and I were all sitting in the dining room discussing how Blaise was planning on asking out Ginny when all of a sudden a loud bang sounds from the room across the hall. George and I exchange looks before running across the hall and into the room Hermione was in. "Fred? George? You might want to have a look at this." Ginny calls over to me as she stands over the body of someone who looks identical to that Nott bloke. "Ginny, Where is Hermione?" I ask my sister with a huff, she rolls her eyes and points to the girl on the ground and says "The potion exploded all over Hermione and all of a sudden its like Hermione melted and now she looks like this." Ginny explains slowly, making sure George and I both comprehend what exactly we were being told.

It takes all of three seconds before one word pops into my head. "Glamour. She was wearing a Glamour charm... A strong one too." I say as I pick up my wife and carry her into the dining area where Draco, Blaise, and Nott were stood waiting on our return. "Oi! Nott! You wouldn't happen to have a sister would you?" George asks Theo who is eyeing Hermione with wide eyes. "Not one that I know of. Let me go fetch mother." He says to George and I before running off. "Ill go with him." Draco says as he takes off out of the room right behind Theo. "Okay, I have new and unusual information. I have a brother, a twin, who was sorted into Gryffindor that I didn't know about until mother told me this morning. The name Dean Thomas ring any bells?" Blaise quickly asks George and I, but before he can get a reply our lovely little wife wakes up and asks "What the hell happened?"

Hermione POV:
"What the hell happened?" I ask sleepily as I stretch my arms above my head and look up into Fred's eyes. "Well, You had a powerful Glamour charm on you that you somehow managed to remove when whatever potion you were brewing blew up in your face." George says to me and grabs my hand. "A Glamour? As in a enchantment that changed my appearance? Why would anyone put a Glamour on me?" I ask the three boys who are surrounding me right about the time Theodore Nott runs back into the room dragging what appears to be his mother.

"Mum. What is going on? Why does she look like me?" Theodore yells at his mother who is looking at me like she had seen a ghost. "I suppose now would be a good time to tell you about your twin sister I put up for adoption because the Dark Lord wanted to marry her when she became of age." Mrs. Nott says weakly before exiting the room and muttering "Bloody Kid. Knew she would turn up sometime." Theodore and I share a look and almost instantly he pulls me out of Fred's arms and into a hug. "I've always wanted a sister." He says to me happily before he finally sets me down. "We should probably alert the others so they don't think some random chick is walking around here." I say as I notice my clothes are a bit tight in my chest area and my jeans are a bit snug in the bottom. As if reading my mind Blaise lets out a wolf whistle and openly checks me out, much to the displeasure of Fred and George. Ginny and Luna enter the room and scream out in horror at the state of my clothes. "HERMIONE! YOUR JEANS AND SHIRT ARE RIPPED ALL OVER THE PLACE! LETS GO GET YOU CHANGED!" Ginny yells as she rips me from Fred's arms and she and Luna drag me from the dining room and into Ginnys room just a little ways up the hall.

"Hermione! Your body looks amazing!" Luna tells me happily as she pulls me in front of a mirror and uses her wand to strip my clothes from my body. Looking into the mirror I see a young lady who is about 5'6, with carmel colored skin, coffee colored eyes, and hair that looks similar to my old hair... just lighter in color and a bit shorter. My breasts grew from a small A cup to a very large C cup, my stomach was flatter than before, my hips a bit wider, and my bum was much larger. "Hermione, You look like a bloody snack." Ginny says with a laugh as she comes out of her closet with a matching Gryffindor thong set, a short black skirt, a black crop top, a leather jacket, and large black heels. "Ginny, I am not wearing that. Ill look like a bloody prostitute!" I exclaim as Ginny slowly moves towards me, a devious look in her eyes. "Fred and George would absolutely eat you alive if you wear this... I know what they think is attractive and this is it." Ginny tells me as she thrusts the clothes into my hands and makes me get dressed. As soon as I am dressed Luna pushes me into a chair and Ginny comes at me with a bag full of makeup. "No!" I scream, "YES!" Ginny screams as she puts a body bind curse on me and begins to apply makeup to my face. After an hour of doing my makeup and hair Ginny and Luna finally allow me to leave her room and they lead me back into the dining hall.

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