Fred saves the day

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Hermione POV:

"George... Get the girls." I groan as I roll over to look at the clock... It's 3:31 am. "It's Freds turn." George grunts half asleep as he rolls over and puts his pillow over his head to block out the sound of Diata and Emersyn crying. "I'll get them!" Fred says sleepily as he rolls out of bed and jogs over to the bedroom door. Just as I am about to go back to sleep the lights in the common room turn on and I hear Fred singing softly. I slowly climb out of bed and walk into the common room and see Fred walking back and forth across the carpeted floors with Diata in one arm and Emersyn in the other. "Let me have her." I whisper as I slowly take a now sleeping Emersyn from him. "I don't see how the hell you can get them to stop crying." I tell him as we walk back into the twins nursery to put them back in their cribs. "I possess something that you and our dear Georgie don't... a singing voice that wont break glass." he jokes as we walk out of the twins room and back into ours. "Lets get some sleep. We have classes tomorrow." I say softly as I climb over a loudly snoring George and resume my place in the bed. "You read my mind." is the last thing I hear Fred say before I fall into a state of unconsciousness. 

It feels like I've only been asleep for ten minuets when George is waking Fred and I to get ready for school. "Come on! We're going to miss breakfast. I already got the girls dressed and into their pram Malfoy sent as a gift for us getting his little Cedric a crib." George prods Fred and I some more before I finally shoot up and shoot him a glare. "Fine." I growl as I get up and charm my hair into a pony tail. "Fred. Get your arse up." I say harshly as I push him out of the bed. "...Five more minuets, Mum." He groans and rolls over on the floor. I'll show is arse five more minuets... If I can't sleep he can't either. "Aguamenti!" I say with my wand pointed at Fred and watch as a burst of cold water hits him square in the chest. "I'M UP!" Fred screams and shoots up to his feet. "That was cold." He says with a glare and then uses a spell to charm both of our uniforms on. I then charm our teeth clean before grabbing him and George and hauling ass to the great hall. (George pushing the pram)

Fred opens the doors to the hall and holds them open for George and I. I enter the hall and see everyone looking at the doors... almost waiting for something. I turn around to George and says "Give me the pram." George doesn't even hesitate and lets me push the pram into the great hall. I push the girls over to the Gryffindor table and take a seat next to Ginny. Fred then takes the seat on my other side and George takes the seat right across the table. Just before we can dig into our food someone taps me on the shoulder and says "Beautiful babies... Unfortunately they are the spawns of a mud-blood and two blood traitors, so they wont amount to much." before I can even react Fred is on his feet with the tip of his wand pushed into Pansy Parkinson's neck. "I. Dare. You. To. Say. It. Again." Fred growls at the girl who looks absolutely terrified. "Sorry!" she squeaks as she runs over to Draco who simply tells her to fuck off. 

Things calm down a little and we finally get to eat for about five minuets before the door to the great hall opens and in walks Amore Diggory pushing a black and yellow pram. Everyone is looking around trying to figure out who her child's father could possibly be when Draco stands up and walks over to her. "How's my boy?" he questions rather loudly as he picks up the small boy with a mess of blonde hair. I stand up and grab the girls pram before walking over to the two of them and asking Amore, "How have you been sleeping?" "Great! Cedric hardly cries! What about you thr-" she begins to ask me something right about the time Diata and Emersyn decide to let out screams as loud as they can. "Hold on. FRED!" I tell her before turning around to scream for my husband. Fred and George both come running from their seats at the table when I yell. "What's wrong, Love?" Fred asks me like he can't hear these bloody demons crying. 

"Make them stop." is all I have to say before Fred picks up Diata and George picks up Emersyn. As soon as Fred and George pick them up the screaming stops. "We hardly sleep." I say to Amore as I glance at Fred and George who are making faces at Ember and Diata. "That is a terrible misfortune. Draco hasn't had a chance to take Cedric to his dorm yet, his dorm mates wont allow it." she informs me before taking Cedric from Draco and placing him in my arms. "Hold him for a moment will you? I need to grab an apple." Amore tells me as she walks off to go find an apple. "Give him here." Draco says as he takes his son from me, "She acts like I'll drop him." I smile at him but realize it's almost time for class. "Who's taking the girls?" I ask Fred and George as I turn around. "I will. I've got Muggle Studies and I'm sure I'll be the only one that can keep them from crying." Fred says as he puts Diata in her side of the pram and takes Emersyn from George and puts her in the pram as well. "I'll see you two after potions." George says before running off after Lee. "I've got transfiguration... are you sure you don't mind to take them?" I ask him one more time before I head off to class. "I'm sure. Now go." 

Freds POV:

I'm on my way to muggle studies when I hear a woman scream. Thinking quickly I push the girls into the History of Magic room and leave them under Lunas watchful eyes before running down the hallway to see Amore Diggory in what looks to be a fight over her son. "Dracos first born should have been mine, You filthy little half-breed!" Pansy Parkinson yells at Amore as she tugs hard on the pram that contains the sleeping Malfoy heir. "DON'T HURT HIM!" Amore yells as she tries to tug the pram back towards herself. "No! I'll kill this little blemish to Dracos bloodline if it's the last thing I do!" Pansy yells as she finally tugs the pram away from Amore and shoves it towards the stairs. Immediately I lunge for the baby and manage to pull him from the pram just before it rolls down the stairs. 

"Parkinson, I've about had enough of you today." I growl as I pass Cedric back to his sobbing mother. "Take him to the head masters office. We will be behind you." I assure Amore as I cast a body binding curse on Pansy and pick her up. "You've messed with the wrong people, Love." I tell her as I roughly pull her into the headmasters office and say, "Do what you wish with her. I need to get my children from Luna." and leaving. "Luna, You're a bloody life saver!" I call out loudly as I walk into the History of magic room and grab my pram. "Mr. Weasley, Lower your voice. We are having class." "Sorry, Professor!" I call out as I book it to the Muggle Studies classroom and arrive nearly twenty minuets late. "Mr. Weasley, How many times ha- Who are these two?" the Professor starts to chew me out but stops when she sees my pram. "My children. Diata and Emersyn. I'm sorry I'm late, We had a bit of an incident an-" "Don't worry about it! I've got five children myself, So I completely understand! Take a seat in the back next to Mr. Davies."  'I guess the girls will at least keep me out of trouble... I wonder what they are going to do to Pansy? Oh well, Not my problem.' I think as I sit down and begin to take notes... It's going to be a long day. 


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