Gender Reveal/First Match Of The Reason

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Hermione POV:

While the twins are getting ready for their first match of the season Ginny and I will be sneaking off to the hospital wing to see if we can figure out what the two little monsters who are currently doing back flips in my stomach are. "Love, We're off to warm up for the game! We will see you in an hour and a half." Fred says kissing me on the head and running off after George who was already half way out of the portrait hole. Five minuets later Ginny runs in and begins yelling at me to hurry up because this was her first game too. "Lets go!" I exclaim as I rush out of the portrait hole, Ginny following closely behind me. As soon as we reach the hospital wing doors Madam Pomfrey rounds to look at us and upon seeing my stomach, points to the bed on the other side of the wing. 

"Well, Mrs. Weasley... What have we got here?" she says as she begins to eye my stomach, 
"Twins. We were wondering if you could tell us the genders before the game?"  Her eyes widen once I say twins, but she still shakes her head yes and begins to cast spells around my swollen stomach and fuss around me. "Well, Mrs. Weasley. It looks as if you and the Messrs. Weasley will be expecting a set of twin girls come October thirty-first." Ginny nearly chokes on the glass of water she had gotten from somewhere and sputters out, "Thats impossible! Never in the history of our family tree has there ever been a set of twin girls! We've got one hundred and eleven sets of twin boys but not one set of twin girls." Madam Pomfrey looks less than impressed by Ginny's outburst and flatly says "Well, Miss. Weasley. There is a first time for everything." before kicking us out of the hospital wing. "Gin, Go warm up. Don't tell the twins we know what the twins are, I'm gonna surprise them at the game." Ginny nods her head and leaves me to find Madam Hooch while she goes to warm up.

"MADAM HOOCH!" I yell as I finally spot her walking down towards the pitch. "Yes?" "I was wondering if you would allow me to enchant the bludgers to smoke pink the first two times Fred and George Weasley hit them? I just found out that we are having girls and I kinda want to surprise them." Madam Hooch smiles at me and says "That would be fine, but if I were you I would make a sign so the boys don't get confused." I thank her one last time before running off to quickly make a sign and get my arse to the pitch before the game starts to enchant the bludgers. 

*Time Skip: Game Time*

I made it here a grand total of three minuets before the game and had to bribe Draco Malfoy to enchant the bloody bludgers for me. I get to my seat with the help of Luna just in time to see the players fly out onto the pitch and get into position. Madam Hooch makes her pre game speech and finally lets the balls go with a "GAME ON" shout. Both of the bludgers immediately begin to soar towards Ginny and Harry, causing the twins to take of in opposite directions and hit the bludgers as hard as they can with their beaters bats. "FUCKING ARSE!" Fred screams as pink smoke blows back in his face, "OI!" George yells as he also receives a face full of pink smoke. They both begin to search the crowds and when their eyes land on me, holding up a large black sign with 'It's Twin Girls' painted on it in white and pink, they cant help but let out roars of victory and excitement. It takes everyone else a minuet to realize whats going on, but when they do a round of applause and screams of excitement can be heard from all over the crowd (even the Slytherins can't help but cheer). 

*Time Skip: After Game*

Gryffindor won by nearly three hundred points and now everyone is headed back to Gryffindor common room to party. "MIA!!! ARE YOU FOR-REAL????" I hear Fred and George yelling from behind me as I'm talking to Percy, who came to see his little sisters first game. "Yep. Girls." I say with a smile as I turn to face them. "Well, Mum and Dad will have to eat dirt. They told us the twins would be nothing special... but they will be the only set of twin girls EVER born into our family tree." George says with a proud smirk. "Wait a blue bloody minuet. Mum and Dad said what?" Percy asks angrily before twisting on his spot and disappearing with a *pop*, "Well, I expect your parents and other three brothers will be visiting us before the night is over." I say with a laugh as I lead the boys back to our dorm so we can talk about baby names... This is gonna be a long night.

(I'm sorry to everyone who wanted one of each but I loved the idea of two little daddy's girls running around with messy red curls, brown eyes, and matching smirks causing trouble because of their brilliant minds. Leave name suggestions in the comments, First and Middle names please!)   

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