I like that she's a bit deaf. It's original.

Rank/Occupation: None at the moment, but she likes to make necklaces.


Appearance: She is a blackish blueish dragon with Nightwing face and horns, but no horns running down her back. Her light up pattern scales thingajigies are there, but not all there. She has two on her snout the middle, three on each leg, and 4 on her sides. Her wings are s but smaller than nightwing wings,and her body is slightly taller than most seawings her age. Her tail is thinner than a seawings, but slightly thicker than your average nightwing. Her glow up things are an irregular really dark blue. And they are fuzzy. She only uses them in the night when she can't see, because her scales are to dull to use in aquatic (though they do light up, their too hard to understand and she doesn't have all of them. Her eyes are minty green.

I really like the detail that went into this; I can imagine her, and her appearance seems really well-balanced and realistic, having an equal amount of SeaWing and NightWing coming in her looks rather than looking like one but having the coloring of the other (ex: NightWing with blue coloring).

Personality: she is shy and sweet. She's gullible but she's a little bold. She loves making new friends. She likes to think things over a bit and is always hesitant to attack another dragon.

Well, it's a start, but it's not much. It's pretty good for what you've got, so I can sort of imagine talking to her but not that much. I think it'd be best if you expanded on her personality, just a little bit at least.

Family and friends:

Her mother: Splash, seawing With light blue scales, and jade eyes.

Good name, I guess. I've seen it before, so it's a bit common but it's not too common.

Her father: Scrollreader, a nightwing who is tall and muscular, scientist with mint green eyes.

Uh... okay. But don't all NightWings know how to read scrolls? Therefore, couldn't all NightWings be called "Scrollreader"? Maybe make it something like "Scrollkeeper", perhaps.

Her Friends:

Crash,seawing, female. Pinkish blueish (she kinda looks like Anemone) dragonet with light blue eyes. She's the feisty one.

Interesting name, but it doesn't seem SeaWing-like enough, I don't know.

Squelch, seawing, male. Green scales with blue eyes and is a scaredy cat but the brains.

Again, doesn't seem SeaWing-like enough. Seems like a MudWing's name to me.

Star maker, nightwing. Female. Little nightwing with with blue eyes. Has a crush on Squelch. She's the caretaker. Oldest.

Starmaker??? That seems a bit much, even for a NightWing name, don't you think??

Future chaser, nightwing, male. He's the tough one and gets along with Crash.

Ooh, I actually really like that name. That one's really good.

He is a nightwing with jade eyes.


Backstory: Tidal was born on a blue moon.

Hella cool

Ooh, maybe like Eclipse, Tidal could be named "Blue Moon".

Splash waited silently on the banks of the ocean, staring at her egg. A black egg with blue stars. She heard a quiet thump and a large, burly nightwing landed besides her. She looked up at him, and he looked down at her. "What should we nam-"

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