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Hey, Newt,

So yesterday I talked to him about it. I'm not honestly sure if he's going to agree or not. All he said was to come back in four days and he would have an answer. Who knows what he's holding back.

I had asked him if he even loved you and he said yes. Not sure if I believe it or not. Also, I may or may not have gotten a bit jealous.

When I go back in four days-three days now-I'll be sure to tell you what he says right away. I really hope he agrees because 1) I don't want to see Chuck die because of something-someone in this case-I want. And 2) Minho deserves to die. After what he did to you, I want to see him suffer.

But anyway, that's all for now, so I'll write tomorrow.

--Tommy ❤

Hey guys, sorry it's been a few days since I updated but it was my birthday on Wednesday so I had to "socialize with family".

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