Mickey shudders, "Or Moose. Or Betty. Or us. It could be anyone. That's what scares me."

"Can't you two strategize in your study?" Mickey takes a seat at the dining room table with her bowl of fruits. "Your papers are everywhere."

Hiram says, "With crisis, comes opportunity."

"On that note," Hermione places a post-it on her calendar, "I'll be going door to door to reassure the citizens of Riverdale that the Lodges put safety first."

"Unlike Sheriff Keller," Hiram murmurs.

Mickey rolls her eyes because her parents are ignoring her request. She looks up when Veronica walks into the dining room.

Veronica takes a strawberry from Mickey's bowl as she looks over their parents' excessive paperwork.

"Mija, you're friends with Cheryl Blossom," Hiram begins. "It seemed like she was taking Midge's death particularly hard."

Mickey huffs, "You two need boundaries." She knows they'll do pretty much anything to get their plans achieved. "Using one of our classmate's deaths for whatever you're doing is wrong, but I guess that is your forte."

"Okay, Dad, Mom," Veronica shakes her head in disgust, "whatever you're getting at, and you are getting at something, forget it."

"Count us out of whatever nefarious schemes you're cooking up."

Later that day, Mickey walks into the apartment to find her parents sitting in front of a pale Veronica. She folds her jacket and places it on the arm of the couch. "What's going on?" Really, she's thinking someone must've died.

"Nick St. Clair is back," Veronica informs her. "He kidnapped Archie. I knew something was wrong when I hadn't heard from him all day, but this—Nick's gone mad. The fact that you guys," she narrows her eyes at their parents, "messed up his legs, doesn't help us."

"What does that sicko want with Archie?"

"A million dollars," Veronica answers.

Hiram clarifies, "We're not paying."

"What do you mean you won't pay Archie's ransom?!"

"I'm not cowing down to a teen terrorist like Nick St. Clair."

"Well, then, I'm calling the police," Veronica reaches for her cell phone only for it to be ripped out of her hands by Hermione.

"No, Veronica," their mother says.

"You can't," Hiram makes clear.

"The St. Clairs are a family. With ties to the underworld."

Dumbfounded, Mickey says, "I thought they were music producers."

Hiram nods, "They are. But they're also mobsters. And if we involve the police, we risk exposing ourselves."

Hermione clasps her hands together, "That's probably why Nick was so brazen in calling you and not even trying to hide his identity."

"But we will figure this out," Hiram declares. "I just need you to be patient."

"Patient? For all we know, Daddy, Nick's cutting off Archie's ear right now!" Veronica storms to her room and slams the door behind her.

"Hiram?" Hermione places a hand on her husband's shoulder. The two of them look at Mickey, wanting to be alone.

Mickey crosses her arms over her chest. "This is Archie. My friend. Veronica's boyfriend," she tries to persuade them.

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