Chapter 14: The Battle of Satan's Sin Part 2

Start from the beginning

Viktor got shocked of what she's about to do. Ophelia felt all the powers come together. She took a deep breath and said the spell, 'Satanas, mihi sum iens ut uti vires. Potestates iunguntur!' She put her hands in front of her and the multi-coloured beam shots out to Viktor. He screamed and begged her to stop. 'Please!' She ignored his cries and she found love in her heart from everyone around her.

Her adopted parents, Kyle, Nameless Ghouls, Cirice and of course, her fiancé Papa.

She screamed and she unleashed the final blast. Viktor bashed his back to the wall, felt the huge laser through his chest and he took his last breath. She stopped the spell and Viktor collapsed to the floor, dead.

She smiled that he is gone. Cirice tapped her shoulder and whispered, 'Papa won't be holding much longer.' Ophelia gasped, ran and kneel beside him. The ghouls and Luther let Ophelia talk to him.

Papa looked up and smiled. 'You did it, Ghuleh. You took him down.' He coughed blood and the gasped for air. She lifted his head and whispered, 'I did. I want you to be strong.' He grabbed her hand and rasped, 'I think, the poison is the unbreakable death curse. I'll be dead, forever.' 'No, no, no, no. You can't leave me.' She sobbed. She poured the tear down her cheek and he wiped it away.

Kyle wiped his tear away and Air hugged him. Ophelia and Papa smile to each other and he whispered his last words. 'I love you, älskling.' As he draws his last breath, she whispered, 'No, no, no, no. Don't go. Don't go, Papa. Please.' Then, Papa dies.

Ophelia looked in despair, took a long deep breath and wailed, loudly that it echoed around Kings Theatre. She gripped Papa's lifeless body tight and cried, hysterically. Alpha and Omega hugged each other and cried. Luther asked her, 'Can you bring him to life?' She shook her head. Cirice explained, 'It can't be undone. The poison curse is unbreakable. Nobody can remove it easily.'

Ophelia continued crying. Then, she sang softly to him.

Can't you see that you're lost?

Can't you see that you're lost without me?

She lifted his body a little bit and continue singing.

I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart

I can see through the scars inside you

I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart

I can see through the scars inside you

Then, she leans over and gave him the final kiss. She carefully placed Papa's body on the floor. She removes her mask, placed it beside his head, turned away and cried. Everyone cried with her. Luther pour the tear and Cirice carefully wipe it away. She sensed something, but she let Ophelia figure it out.

Two minutes later, Papa moved his head on his right side and slowly opened his eyes. Special stared at him and gasped. Water nudged him to be quiet. Kyle's eyes widened, opened his mouth and closed it. Ophelia didn't notice and continued crying. Papa blinked few times as his vision started to clear and saw her mask. He quietly and slowly sat up, grab the mask and sang the line to her.

Can't you see that you're lost without me?

She gasped, turned around and squealed loudly, 'Papa!' She hugs him tight. He hugs her back.

Earth whispered to Water and Special, 'It's true love's kiss.' They tilt their heads and Earth said, 'What? That's what it is.'

Papa and Ophelia smiled and they let go of the hugs. 'I.... I thought I lost you.' 'I didn't know what will happen next. But you saved me.' He smiled. She helped Papa get up and hugged again.

Kyle smiled and whispered to Air, 'That's a happy ending.' Air smiled and kissed Kyle's cheek. Kyle felt embarrassed. Ophelia and Papa let go and she sighed, 'I'm glad that, this battle is over.' 'Do we know it.' He replied.

Omega asked Papa, 'Are we gonna get back to the tour bus?' Papa nodded and Omega dragged Alpha to the stairs to the stage. The others follow while Ophelia and Papa stay put. They hold their hands together and Ophelia whispered, 'Shall we, have our moment?' 'Of course, Ghuleh.' He smiled and they kiss.

***It's not over yet. There is more coming. You'll see.***

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