Chapter 8: Superpowers Unlocked

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Next night, Kyle and Ophelia returned to the crypt for superpower training. Air, Earth and Water stood in line. They bowed to Ophelia and Kyle. Air instructed them about superpowers. 'This training will help your powers, strengthen and make it to the next level. First, you two got different magic from your sigils. Brother Kyle, you have Earth. Sister Ophelia, you have Water. Let's begin.'

She walked to Water. He guides her to the next room. It's Water's training room. He explains the challenges. 'With your Blood Sigil, you get blood magic and some other powers.' Ophelia nodded and Water gave her the book of blood magic.

'I'll help you do the basics.' He offered her. She thanked him and she opened the book. She saw the instructions that evolves cutting herself. She felt afraid. Water put his hand on her shoulder and said, 'Don't worry. It might be scary at first, but you'll get used to it.' She nodded and read the first spell. The Protection Spell. She grabs the knife, cut her palm, let few drops into the floor and said the spell in Latin. 'Skydda mig, blod.' Then, the bubble of thin layered blood around her. She felt amazed about her magic. 

'As you are protected, no one can attack or near you.' He informed her. He picked up his trident and strikes it to the protective bubble. It bounced off and Water has been pushed back. She read out loud the spell that make the bubble disappear. 'Frange in bulla.' The bubble popped. Blood all over Ophelia. Then, it absorbs on her and disappears. 'You gain the strength from the blood, splattered onto you.' He pointed out. She nodded to understand.

She flicked the page and read the next spell. The Blindness Spell. She cuts her left forearm, put the finger on the blood, draw it down from the forehead to her nose in between her eyes, looked directly in Water's eyes and said the spell. 'Caecitas ex indignus, percutiens.' Water's eyes turned blank. His hold his balance and praised her. 'Nice one, Ophelia. Now, unblind me.' She clicked her fingers and Water's sight is restored.

Then, she read the final spell for the night. The Summon Spell. She put her finger on her palm, to the blood and she draw the pentagram symbol on the floor. She closed her eyes and think of a clone version of her. She put her arms out and focused on the spell. The blood, spiral upwards and slowly transform the blood-clone of herself. She opened her eyes and mind controlling the clone. Three steps forward the clone took and suddenly fell into a puddle of blood. Water applauded. 'Well done, Sister. Great job.' She bowed to him and she felt weak. He helped her, held her arm for balance.

They exit Water's training room and Kyle panted with his hands on his knees. 'That's hard work. How's your training, sis?' 'It's okay. I felt a bit light headed.' She answered. They exited the dojo and retire for the night. 

She fell into the bed, in the dormitory. She thought to herself, I hope after the training, I'll be doing great. Papa will be proud of me. She closed her eyes and drifts off into sleep.

Next morning, she woke up feeling a lot better after the training, last night. She had a shower, put make-up on and got dressed. After breakfast, she headed to the classroom for crafting workshop with young Ghost fans. She helped out and cheering children up.

As she left the classroom for going to the toilet, she spotted a young woman, standing by the door with a large suitcase. Ophelia walked towards her and asked, 'Are you okay? Do you need any help?' The woman jumped and stammered. 'Oh. S-S-Sorry. I-I-I-I'm w-w-waiting for Sister Imperator to arrive and guide me.' 'New?' The woman nodded and suddenly, Sister Imperator appeared. 'Ah. Hello, Holly. Welcome to the Ministry.' She greeted Holly. She curtsied and thanked Sister imperator. 'Hello, Sister Ophelia. Holly is going to be a Sister of Sin. And she is going to get use to the duties, like you did last week.' Sister Imperator informed Ophelia. 

From Sister to GhouletteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora