Chapter 10: Ophelia's Birthday Surprise Part 2

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Ophelia is in the dormitory alone, playing her bass guitar on her bed. She played From The Pinnacle To The Pit on her iPod on the speakers. She is getting a hang of it. She had the best birthday, ever. She finished the song and then playing Prime Mover.

Sister Lisa turned up and informed Ophelia for the dinner out. 'Ophelia. Papa is taking you out to dinner, tonight.' She put the bass down and jump of the bed. She got dressed into a black gothic maxi dress with a corset to match. She wears her platformed gothic med-heeled boots.

'You look really gorgeous, Ophelia.' Sister Lisa made a nice comment. 'Thanks. I wonder where he'll take me to.' She wondered. Sister Lisa helped her along the way to the door. Ophelia brush of the dirt off and Papa appeared in his most elegant suit. He bowed to her and said, 'You are looking beautiful as ever, älskling.' She smiled. They hold hands and exit the cathedral.

They got the taxi and they arrived in the centre of Linköping. As a gentleman, Papa helped Ophelia got out of the taxi and guided her to a top quality Italian restaurant. He hired the place for them, alone. They entered the restaurant and Ophelia's eyes widened. Everything is nice and peaceful. Papa guides her to the table by the window. He pulled the chair out for her and she thanked him. She sat down, and he hand out the menu to her. She thanked him and he sat down opposite her. He looked at the menu and spoke. 'Well. It's nice to go out and have our night, together.' 'Yeah. It's great.' She agreed.

The waiter appeared and taking orders. 'May I start with a wine?' 'Ah, yes. Do you want to have a Prosecco with me, Ghuleh?' He asked her. She nodded. He turned his head to the waiter and ordered, 'We'll have a bottle of Prosecco, please?' 'Certainly, sir. Coming right up.' The waiter wrote down and walked to the cellar. Ophelia looked around and commented, 'Wow. Nice restaurant you found, Papa.' 'Thank you, it is my absolute favourite type of restaurant to go to when we have a day off on tour or being bored in the cathedral.' He informed her.

The waiter returned with a bottle of Prosecco. He pulled the cork out and as he poured the wine in Ophelia's glass, he made a comment of her dress. 'Nice dress, miss.' 'Thank you.' Then, he poured the Prosecco on Papa's glass. He put the bottle down on the table. 'Now, ready for food?' He asked them. 'Ophelia, you go first.' Papa offered her to order first. 'Thank you. I'll have a Seafood Pizza, please.' She made on order. Papa read the menu and said, 'I think, I'll have a Spaghetti Bolognese, please?' The waiter wrote down and asked them again. 'What do you want for dessert?' Ophelia looked at Papa and asked him, 'Ice Cream Sundae?' 'Yeah, sure. We'll share the Sundae.' He ordered the waiter. 'Okay. Coming right up.' The waiter smiled and walked to the kitchen.

She took a big sigh. 'It's brilliant. The best birthday I've ever had.' Papa looked at her with his mismatched eyes. His thoughts of her, never leave him alone. He picked up his wine glass of Prosecco and hold a toast. 'Happy birthday, Ghuleh. And may your future birthdays, be the better than the last. Also, you ARE the love of my life.' She smiled, picked up her glass and they clinked the glasses. They took a sip.

Ten minutes later, the waiter returned with a plate and a bowl of food. 'Seafood Pizza, miss.' He put the plate on the table and she thanked him. 'And Spaghetti Bolognese, sir.' The waiter put the bowl down and Papa thanked him. 'Enjoy.' He walked to the register. 

They began to stuck in. Ophelia love the pizza. 'May I try your pizza, älskling?' He asked. With her mouthful, she replied. 'Yeah. Go ahead.' Papa picked a slice and put it on a small plate. She looked at Papa's bowl of Spaghetti Bolognese and ask him, 'Can I try some of your Bolognese?' He nodded with his mouthful. He twists the spaghetti with his fork, carefully lift it with a hand under it, to her and she took a bite. She hummed of the flavour that busts in her taste buds. He smiled and continued eating.

Her mobile rang, she put it up and it's her dad. 'Excuse me for a sec, Papa.' She whispered. He made a hand gesture to let her. She pressed the green phone and answered, 'Hello?' 'Hi, Ophelia. Happy Birthday!' James celebrated.

'Thanks, dad.'

'What have you been doing today?'

'Everyone gave me a surprise and give me a lot of presents.'

'Okay. Cool.'

'We went bowling and dancing.'


'And now, I'm in an Italian restaurant for a nice evening.'

'Sounds like you had a lot of fun, Ophelia.' She giggled and asked him. 'How's mum doing? Still missing us?' 'Yeah. She's pretty protective of you two.' He replies. 'I'm just phoning you to wish you a great birthday, sweetie.' 'Thanks for that, dad.' She thanked James. 'I'll leave you to have a nice dinner.'

'Okay, dad. Bye.' 'Bye, sweet heart.' She hangs up. Papa looked at her and said, 'Your adopted parents are very nice, I presume.' 'Yeah. I'm very lucky for them to be their daughter.' She replied with a nod. He chuckled, and he nearly finished the Spaghetti Bolognese.

Ophelia finished her pizza and the waiter appeared. 'Do you enjoy the food?' He politely asked them. 'Yes. Very nice, thank you.' Papa replied. The waiter picked up the plates and a bowl and said, 'The sundae is chocolate and vanilla ice cream, with chocolate brownies and whipped cream.' 'Sounds lovely.' Ophelia beamed. The waiter smirked and walked to the kitchen. Papa took a sip of the Prosecco and he asked her. 'Enjoy the night, Ghuleh?' 'It's lovely, Papa. Quiet night, just the two of us.' She answered.

Then, the waiter appeared with a tall glass of ice cream sundae. He put it in the middle of the table. Then, he bought out two, long spoons and hand it to Ophelia and Papa. 'Enjoy your sundae.' He walked to the kitchen. Papa picked up a spoon, scoop the ice cream and reach over to her. She opened her mouth and have a mouthful. She giggled, muffling and swallowed the ice cream. She done the same thing to Papa. He chuckled and said, 'We are not babies, Ghuleh.' She laughed and replied, 'We're not. But still, it's very romantic.' He grinned at her. They finished the sundae in several minutes. Papa ordered a bill, paid it and guide Ophelia to exit the restaurant. 'Have a nice evening.' The waiter smiled. They thanked the waiter and went outside.

They walked through the city, holding hands. Ophelia took a big sigh. 'Well. I didn't even expect that to be the great day for me.' Papa smirked, 'Everyone loves you, that's why we care about you.' She grinned and hugged him. He hugged her back. 

They kissed and Papa kneel down on one knee. Then, he pulled out a small jewellery box. She got confused at first and then, she knows what he's doing. Papa look up at her and said, 'My älskling. When I saw you with your brother at the cathedral for the first time, my heart kept telling me to love you. I wasn't sure at first, but I always follow my heart. You are the reason that you are special to me. And the ghouls. So, will you marry me?' He opened the box and it's a big round, Amethyst ring. She gasped, kneel down with Papa and whispered, 'Of course, stilig.' He smiled wider, put the ring of Ophelia and they kissed again. They stood up and have a long walk to the cathedral.

They got back at ten-thirty. They giggled, quietly as they opened the door. Sister Imperator appeared in her nightgown, holding a torch. 'Well. Are you two having fun?' She grinned. They smiled and nodded. 

Sister Imperator looked at the ring on Ophelia's finger and commented, 'Nice ring, Ophelia.' 'Thanks. He proposed to me.' She spilled the beans to her. Sister Imperator's eyes widened and congratulating them, 'Well. Congratulations for the engagement, you two.' They thanked her and she instructed Ophelia. 'Now then. Go to your dormitory and I left a present for you. Good night.' 'Good night.' They replied. Sister Imperator walked away.

Papa and Ophelia kissed one more time before going in different directions. They blew kisses to each other, until Papa entered his chamber. Ophelia danced through the hallway to the stairs.

She quietly entered the dormitory, without disturbing the others. She sat on the bed and saw a little box wrapped in purple ribbon. She unties it, open the lid and it's a necklace with a blood symbol. She loved it. She put it on her bedside bed, grab her nightdress and quickly change. She snug into bed and drift to sleep. She had a wonderful birthday. She couldn't have a better birthday than that.     

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