Chapter 2: New Start

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Five years later, she stayed at Kyle's house for few years and her parents kept taken her back and beating her up. Kyle's parents had enough and called the social services on them. They have been warned about the abuse and they ignore it. They believe that punishment is the way to learn the mistakes. After few months, they been called for put Mary an adoption for the abuse they still doing and they refuse. Kyle's parents put them in court and they won the case. Her parents forced to sign an adoption papers and her dad sent to prison for 8 months. Mary felt relieved that it's over.

She's been adopted by Mr and Mrs Brookes and she felt happy. Kyle love to have Mary as his sister. They listen metal music together and checking out bands. One day at the dinner table, their dad gave them the news. 'Guys, I got a job in Sweden and so does your mum. Are you guys up for it?' 'Hell yeah!' They replied. He continued 'In few months, we move there and we found a college for you two.' They felt excited for going there. They packed everything and few months later, they flew from UK to Sweden. Mary love the atmosphere of Sweden. They lived in a city called Linköping and got place to live in the block of flats in the middle of the city, on the ground floor. Mary and Kyle really loved the place and the city. They quickly learn Swedish and they walked around the city to get use to the scenery. 

They went to college for few years before working at a metal record store, not far from the night clubs. They checking out bands that the albums arrived to the store. 

One day, Mary caught an eye on a very interesting album cover and asked the colleague who is this band. 'Oh, that's Ghost. They're from here. I love their music. Seen them many times.' He answered. She got interested and told Kyle about it.

After closing time, they said goodbye to their colleagues and walked home. They talked about the bands and their options as they got home. Their mum greeted them while she cooks, 'Hi Kyle. Hi Mary.' 'Hi mum.' They greeted back. She asked them, 'How's work, guys?' 'Fine as usual. Mary found a new band to check out.' Kyle answered. Mrs Brookes looked surprised. 'What's the band called?' She asked. 'Ghost. I heard that they are from here.' Mary answered. Mrs Brookes nodded her head of curiosity. 'That's cool. Dinner is nearly ready. Can you two lay the table out for me, please?' She asked them. 'Yeah. Sure.' They replied. Kyle grabbed the cutlery and lay them down, neatly. Mary grabbed the drinking glass and put them down.

Five minutes later, Mr Brookes arrived home. 'Hey guys.' 'Hi dad.' Kyle greeted him. Mr Brookes brought the gifts to the family. At the dinner table, Mr Brookes handed out the gift to Mrs Brookes. 'I got the bonus and I spend a bit for you all.' Mrs Brookes opened her gift and it's a ring with Ruby gemstone. 'That's lovely. Thank you, honey.' She thanked him. 'You're welcome.' He said. They kissed and Mrs Brookes put the ring on. 

'This is for you, Kyle.' Mr Brookes handed the gift to Kyle. He opened it and it's a video game of Bloodborne for PlayStation 4. 'Thanks, dad.' He got out of the seat and hugged his dad. Kyle returned to his seat and continue eating dinner. 

'And this is for you, Mary.' He past the gift to her. She opened it and it's a Gothic backpack. She squealed in happiness, jumped off the seat and hugged her dad. 'I love it. Thank you, dad.' 'You're welcome, Mary.' She sat back down. 

After dinner, Kyle asked his parents, 'Can we go to our room to check out Ghost?' 'Yeah. Go ahead.' Their mum gave them permission. They walked to their room and Mrs Brookes sighed. 'It's great to have Mary as our own daughter. Do you agree, James?' 'Yeah, Kate. She's perfect for us. Kyle is no longer an only child.' He answered.

Meanwhile, they entered their room and power their mobile phones and laptops on. Mary put YouTube on her laptop and play the music video of Cirice. Kyle looked up and heard Ghost playing. They headbanged to the rhythm and they get goose bumps from the riff. 'Oh, shit. That's the best thing I've ever heard.' Kyle said. They smiled to each other. Kyle looked at Wikipedia for information about Ghost. His eyes widened and said, 'Oh my god! They ARE from here. How insane is that, Mary?'

From Sister to GhouletteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora