Chapter 12: Popestar Tour

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After three months of rehearsals, they are ready of the tour. Everything is in place. The ghouls climbed in the taxi. Papa, Ophelia and Kyle climbed in a different taxi. They got to the airport, check in and they flew to USA. Kyle and Ophelia never been to America. 

They landed in Rochester, New York. They left the plane and exit the airport. Ophelia got anxious and Papa wrapped his arm around her. They got in the tour bus and the ghouls lay on the bunk beds. Kyle sat on the sofa by the kitchen area. Ophelia looked around and sat beside Kyle. 'It's gonna be alright, sis. You'll do great.' He encouraged her. She smiled and replied, 'Yeah. I hope everything is alright.' Papa entered the tour bus and sat beside Ophelia. Kyle stood up and walked along the bunk bed area, talking to the ghouls. Papa hugged her and kissed.

It's night time. They arrived in the hotel and they got out. They checked in the register, got the room keys and climb the stairs to the second floor. Papa and Ophelia got their own hotel room. They got in and kiss on the lips. Ophelia jumped in the bed and Papa pounced on her. She giggled and the knock on the door. He sighed and get the door. It's Omega and hand Papa the box. Papa remembered what is in it. He thanked Omega and shut the door. 

He walked to Ophelia and put the box on the bed. He sat down and present the box. 'Tomorrow. As you play, I want you to sing as well.' She gasped and lifted the lid. It's the most elegant Nameless Ghoul mask. Just around the eyes with the horns on the head. She hugged him. 'Thanks, Papa. It's beautiful.' 'When I heard you sing during the rehearsals, I thought it would be great to do a duet, together in most songs.' Papa smiled. They kissed and they went to bed.

Next morning, it's the first day of the tour. They had breakfast, travel to the venue Main Street Armory and doing a soundcheck. Ophelia was unsure about it and Papa informed her. 'The purpose of the soundcheck is that to make sure the noise won't disturb the neighbourhood and deafen the fans much. That's why we wear earplugs.' He hands out the moulded earplugs. Ophelia grabbed her black one with the water symbol. She put them on and felt weird at first. 

All the ghouls in their casual clothes and no masks arrived. They position their instruments and ready to practice before the main event. Ophelia learned where to go, what songs to play on the setlist and what songs that she can sing while playing. Kyle stood by the stage, keeping an eye on everything. The PA person walked towards Ophelia and give her the headset microphone. As she got it on, she checking the sound of the microphone is working for everyone to hear her. Papa smiled and test his microphone. The PA people making sure that the sound is in perfect condition. Then, they play Square Hammer for the soundcheck. It's two hours of soundcheck and the PA people are good to go.

They left the stage to have lunch in the cafe. Ophelia felt extremely nervous about performing in front of thousands of fans. Papa sat beside her at the table. 'You'll be fine. I was nervous at my first time performing. My brothers told me to be yourself and enjoy it.' He related his experience. She smiled and the waitress appeared with hot chocolate to Ophelia. She thanked her and the waitress walked away. Papa hold her hand tight. 'I love you, älskling.' 'I love you too, Papa.' 

They kissed and a fan appeared. 'Oh my god! Can I have your autograph, Papa?' 'Sure.' He replied and signed the Meliora CD with a marker. 'Thank you so much! Ah!' The fan squealed, loudly and walked away with happiness. 'You'll get fans like that from anywhere. One day, you'll bump into fans that loves you.' He smirked. She took deep breaths and smiled at him. She drank the hot chocolate and they went back to Main Street Armory.

Ophelia put the suit on, the jewellery, the headset microphone and her very own mask. The artist liaison knocked and peep in. 'Ten minutes to the stage.' 'Thanks.' He left the dressing room. Ophelia took deep breaths and focusing on tonight's performance. Papa entered and hugged her from behind. 'Hey, Papa.' 'Hey, älskling. You'll be great out there.' He softly comforts her. Papa let go and they hold hands as they left the dressing room. The fans chanting. The ghouls and Papa gathered around for the pre-show ritual. Ophelia stood by and watch. They put the hands in the middle and did the chant. They broke the circle and Papa informed her, 'It's a men's thing and don't worry about it. We are all boys at heart.' She giggled and walked near the entrance door.

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