Ohio is on fire

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 A/N I attached Ohioisonfire by Of Mice and Men cuz it goes with the chapter. Also trigger warning for non homophobs

Aaron POV

I hate Blade. He's gay, and I hate gay people.  I wish that I could kill him, but my parents would hate me even more, yeah, I said even more. Blade is their favorite. But one time he fucked up big time. Blade and his friend, Jace, decided to get drunk and set fire to all of Ohio. And who was the one who had to put it out and bail them out of jail? Me.  And our parents said that they couldn't believe what he did and how awesome it was. I set fire to an amusement park and killed almost everybody that was in there. And they just looked at me like I was Jeffery Dahmer and I was here to kill them. Oh, shit, did I want to. But he does something like that and they hope he doesn't get caught. Fuck I hate him. I wanna kill him. My parents said that I was devil's spawn. So after awhile, the voices in my head kept telling me to kill my parents. After a week of it, I grabbed a knife and stabbed my mom and dad in the neck. They didn't even know who killed them. I felt happy for the first time in a long time. I felt at peace. So that's how I came to be a killer. My nickname from the police is Grimm, since I use a scythe to kill my victims. Oh, and everytime I kill, I eat their fleah raw. Before Blade came out as gay, I taught him all I know. And we got along great. But no. I have tried to kill him. But my parents caught me before I could even sneak into his room. I've tried everything from guns to poison. Nada. God, I would love to see his blood run out from his neck and wrists. Oh, did I mention that I'm also a wanted cyber criminal. I've hacked into the Navy's base. So I'm a serial killer, and if I ever see Blade again, he will meet a GRIMM demise. (No. I'll go home). So if you're wondering why I hate gays, that's because I am. But when I was little, my uncle rapes me. And he told it was ok. But after 5 years of it, I finally snapped. I grabbed a gun and shoved it down his throat while he was awake. I pulled the trigger, which he had his hand on. So I told the police it was a suicide, and I tried to stop him, but it was too late. I acted devested. But truth was, I wanted it that way.

A/N do you want longer chapters and more of Aaron's POV, or just longer chapters and little to no Aaron's POV. Also I wanna call my readers....... Love Killers. Like it or nah. YOU DECIDE!!!!!!!!!!

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