Chapter 9

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"Ta da" Mackenzie exclaimed as Jarrod entered the apartment.

"You're ready, really" Jarrod couldn't believe it "Holy shit"

"Don't say that word in front of Phoebe, she is repeating everything"

 Mackenzie elbowed Jarrod before he could finish his sentence, she didn't need her three-year-old daughter to repeat another word her mother would chastise her for. They both grinned at each other. Jarrod was driving them back to Northern Park, she had only been home from their week long holiday for a day or so, Dante had to return to work and Jarrod needed to catch up on all the gossip, the trip was only twenty minutes maybe thirty with this amount of traffic.

"Out with it girl" she told Jarrod the truth, all the truth, that she was still madly in love with Dante, that they were sleeping together again and now she felt like running away from home

"The problem here is what Mac" Jarrod asked,

 Mackenzie couldn't answer him, she honestly didn't know what the problem was, she was scared she knew that much, confused, happy and worried all at the same time.

 What if it ended badly again? What if he tried to take Phoebe? What if my heart doesn't recover this time?

"Looks like a lot of what ifs" she glanced at Jarrod, he was pointing at her face.

"We have only been back together a short time and already I feel"

"Just see how it goes Mac, maybe you can love him enough for both of you this time, maybe he loves you more than you realise, you should have seen him when that call came in about you being attacked, he is a man sweetie, they have trouble expressing their emotions" who's side was he on, she sat in her seat and closed her eyes.

 They arrived at work, she took a deep breath and climbed out of the car, love him enough for both.

 They went to her office she hadn't been in here since before she was attacked, Mackenzie started sorting her mail, checking messages, emails, when she heard Jazz gasp

"what" she looked at him, he was holding the paper to his chest "did we get a bad review?" she asked nervously "worse" he thrust the paper at her, she glanced at the headline

Dante Allesandro and Mackenzie McIntyre are official,

 Mackenzie flicked the pages open to the story, there were more photos of them, their trip was supposed to be private, thank god they didn't take Phoebe, there were photos of them dining, photos of them at the beach, of them holding hands as they walked, of them smiling and laughing together, looking at the photos they really did look happy together and in love, that gave her hope for their future.

 Shit, how was she going to explain this, her mother was going to pitch a fit, they had gone away for a week to relax after her incident, to really reconnect with each other without any interruptions, to see if they still had that spark, which they did, how did the press get these photos, not many people knew where they were, the two boys were the only members of her family who knew they were away and that they were married but they would never have leaked it.

 Damn she groaned, she looked at Jazz "they are really nice photos" he commented as her phone rang

"ma, is everything ok?" she had only just left them at her home

"Just thought you should know the reporters are outside" Nora sounded flustered

"How did they know where I lived?"

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