Chapter 4

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"Sorry sweet pea" she blinked and let go of her daughter's hand, placing the groceries on the counter top and looking at Dante, he looked dazed, his head was tilted and he was staring at their daughter.

"Phoebe why don't I take you to the park" Nora suggested, Mackenzie smiled and mouthed thank you to Nora as they left the kitchen. She waited for the front door to close "Dante what are you doing here" trying to sound calm but her voice had a slight tremble. He was still staring into space "Dante" he looked at her, his green eyes were so intense it took all her strength not to look away.

 She sat down on her sofa, Dante followed, "Is she my daughter" Mackenzie just stared straight ahead "I asked you a question Mackenzie, Do I have a daughter?" Mackenzie's head snapped up to look at him "No Dante, I already told you, I have a daughter" He growled at her "We went over this last night...just answer me damn you" "Fine" she snapped "What do you want to know?" "Is that child mine" that pissed her off, she flung off the sofa and stood over him

" Yours that's all you ever care about, you, You want the truth, ok fine here it is the whole truth" she was yelling now, something she didn't do often, "I was in love with you, you , not your stupid money, not your stupid status, you" she was strolling over to her desk and retrieving envelopes "Here by the way, this is yours, I never cashed it" he had a blank look on his face "Oh now you want to play dumb, well let me refresh your memory, that was my pay off remember, you had your mum deliver it to me, the day you were kissing Isabella in the country club car park, ring a bell now"

 Mackenzie could feel her blood pulsing through her veins, her adrenaline spike, she had held all this in for too long and now it was exploding out of her "You broke our rules when you kissed her that day, the rules you made, then you had the audacity to get your mother to break up with me because you were a coward who didn't want a scene, well you are getting a scene now aren't you" she could see his jaw was flicking, most people would have stopped speaking, seeing that look on his face but she had to continue

"I never would have left you, that's how crazy in love with you I was, how young and dumb I was, all you had to do was explain why you were kissing her, but you used me, you let me believe we were in love when really I was just a fling to you, did you ever really love me or was I really just the fill in until you settled down, did I get you off enough, did I make our time worthwhile, don't look at me like that"

 Mackenzie took a couple of steps back from him, stumbling over those last few words and sat down on a stool, for once his anger was written all over his face. She lowered her lashes, her shoulders slumping and continued on whispering "I didn't find out I was pregnant until after you stopped calling me, but Phoebe is mine, not yours"

 Dante didn't say anything until she looked up "Are you done" Mackenzie shrugged "my turn" he exploded "I don't know what the hell this is" he was scrunching the envelope in his fist "I seem to recall you were the one who walked away from us, not me and I will never forgive you for not calling me about any of this, the moment my mother left your house, no, the second she left your room you should have called me, I deserved that much"

"I did call you and sent a letter"

 Mackenzie tried to cover her mouth but it was too late, she had spilled her secret, no one knew, not even those closest to her knew she tried to contact him.


"It doesn't matter Dante, it was a long time ago just leave it alone"

 He was off the sofa and standing over her, seething "It does so matter, tell me what you meant?" Mackenzie didn't say anything "Now Mackenzie" he was being domineering again but what the heck, it was time to get it all out in the open she was so tired of all these secrets. "I called you" she whispered trying not to choke "two days after I had found out I was pregnant, I was keeping my baby right away, but I had important decisions to make, choices, when they were made, I thought you had the right to know"

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