Broken Dreams

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Her skin crawled as his fingertips came in contact with her  legs and bottom as he hoisted her up towards the lip of the present. She grabbed for it quickly and pulled herself free of his grasp as fast as she could. It caused her to tumble ungraciously from the box, but she preferred the bumps and bruises to his groping. 

Honestly, were all males in the outside world this grabby? Her mind instantly pictured Jake, smiling warmly down at her and her cheeks took on a heated blush. He wasn't like that in the least, but she was sure his touch was gentle. The flames beneath her cheeks intensified and she shakely pushed the thoughts away and brushed the dust from her clothes distractedly. 

Soon it was Jeffrey she could see in her mind's eye. His relaxed and lazy smile shining brightly. He exuded confidence and kindness, making the hardest situations feel lighter somehow, his eyes always shining with youthful enthusiasm. She sighed loudly, realizing how much she missed those two, and quickly tried to free her mind from the pain of those hollow emotions. 

She peered around the room, surprised to see how differently it looked. It was in worse disarray than when Puppet had tussled with Foxy not too long ago- and that was saying something. Those two had ripped the room asunder from one end to another with a battle lasting only moments. What had gone down here, she wondered, letting her eyes sweep across the carnage. She tore her eyes from droplets of what appeared to be blood splattered across the floor and tiptoed back over to the box. 

Carefully, she peeked in. 

William eyed her suspiciously, arms folded over his chest. She sighed down at his frowning face and offered a hesitant hand. She had already been thoroughly convinced to not leave him behind. He had information too valuable to leave on the table. He knew (allegedly, she told herself), where Foxy and Chica were. 

So, with a heavy heart, she took him by the hand and heaved with all her might, until he was standing beside her on the broken ground. His self-satisfied smirk and devious grin made her scowl and she was about to ask after the obvious mess when the feeling in the air shifted.

 It felt like it was humming, for one thing. For another, the mess, she realized... it shouldn't still have been there. Somebody on the first shift should have come and cleaned it up, investigated, something... If her calculations were correct, it should be sometime on Monday morning shouldn't it?  And the Pizzeria should be open. Why hadn't anybody come to investigate the trashed toy  counter? Why hadn't anybody found them? Little hairs prickled up over her arms and her neck, making her shudder. She suddenly felt a whole lot less safe, which was saying something, since she was currently standing next to a child-murderer.  

Speaking of, she noticed that William seemed uneasy too, a  fresh frown etched upon his face. She shivered, her breath coming out in a silver wisp.  All at once she realized what was happening. Her eyes widened and she searched for more signs to back up her theory; that they were in one of the strange dreamlike memories she had been having with more and more frequency. The cold was usually the first thing to give it away. 

Now that she looked, the signs seemed glaring and she couldn't believe she had missed them. The posters on the wall were yellowed with age, barely covering withered and cracking wallpaper. The stuffed animals, tossed from their homes in the scuffle and strewn across the glass-littered floor, were of Spring Bonnie and a strange yellow Freddy that she had never seen before, not the toy animatronics, as they should be. 

And the smell... it was sharp and acrid, smokey almost. Her eyes fell on the walls and watched as they withered further beneath her watchful eyes, blackening as though on fire, and crackling with unseen flames; but the air was as cold as ice. Her stomach twisted with apprehension. She glanced at William and saw that he was seeing the same thing. His eyes were glued to the decaying walls; burning with heatless fire that twisted and writhed, except now it was visible to the naked eye. That fact didn't make it any less unnerving though.   

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