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"ATTENTION STUDENTS, ONE last reminder to buy your tickets to tonight's homecoming dance." The voice on the intercom says making me gasp loudly, and swat Sam's arm.

"I heard!" Sam exclaims, grabbing my wrist to stop me from hitting him again.

I smile sheepishly as he lets go of my wrist. "Sorry. I'm just excited. Are you going?" I ask, resting my elbow on my desk and then resting my chin on my palm. He shrugs his shoulders as he copies my movements.

"Maybe. I've got some projects to finish though." His lips drop into a frown as he talks over the voice on the intercom.

"Bummer. Who am I supposed to go with?" I pout, as my phone buzzes on the table. I glance at the screen and see Oscar's name and smile lightly.

"Him," Sam says nodding his head towards my phone.

I sigh loudly, leaning back in my chair. "I'm pretty sure it's only for students." I lift my phone off the desk and unlock it, going straight to the green iMessage app.

Sam scoffs. "It's Oscar we're talking about. He'll find his way around it." I absentmindedly nod my head, clicking on Oscar's name.

Thursday, October 23rd. 8:15 am.

morning baby
you in class?

I can't wait to graduate

I can
bc that means you're going to leave

I forgot about that.

don't be upset

reality's just kicking in
I promise to visit like all the time

ofc you will
or I can come visit you and scare away all the pendejos that are flirting with you

yeah that sounds much better

love the sarcasm
come over after school


have a good day mi amor

mm you tooooo
don't have too much fun without me

same for you

it's school
how much fun can I really have?

if you're anything like me, then there's a lot of fun you can have between classes in the janitors closet ;)

you're gross

see you later fool

mhm homie

"You guys are so cute!" I jump, looking over my shoulder to see Sam. He's smiling at my phone, an awestruck look on his face.

"Dude! Stop reading my texts!" I scowl, locking my phone and putting it face down on the table.

"He's better than he-who-must-not-be-named," Samuel says matter-of-factly, as he clicks his pen on and off several times. "You better keep him."

My checks heat up and I immediately look the other way. "I'm planning on doing exactly that."

"SO, THERE'S THIS dumb dance tonight," I sigh as I walk into the garage, where Oscar is fixing something in his Impala. He looks up from his bright red car and his frown instantaneously turns into a smile. I lean against the side of his car, my arms folded across my chest. "Do you want to go with me?"

"Where the flowers and balloons at?" He asks teasingly, wiping his hands with a dark cloth. "This is a big moment." He walks over to me as I roll my eyes, and wraps his arms around my waist. "Of course I'll go with you."

"Good," I smile brightly at him. "I gotta show off my man," I say, pinching his cheeks playfully. He huffs and swats my hands away, making me laugh.

"Better let them cholos know you ain't single no more," Oscar smirks, tapping my cheek lightly with his forefinger.

"The cholos have always known I'm not single." I scoff, freezing after the words leave my mouth. I look up at Oscar, who's sporting a confused expression. "I-I had an on again off again relationship with my ex, and nobody wanted to mess with that so they all left me alone."

"Who's this ex you won't name?" Oscar asks curiously as I wiggle out of his grasp. My heart beats faster against my chest as I turn around and slowly circle his car.

"Where's Cesar?" I ask over my shoulder, pretending to be interested in his car. Why don't I think before I talk?

"Out on a run." I glance at him and he's walking over to me with his eyebrow raised. "Don't change the subject princesa. What's his name?"

"It doesn't matter Oscar." I sigh, turning my body so I'm facing him. "I don't want to fight with you, especially not today."

"What's the big deal?" Oscar laughs bitterly, folding his arms over his chest. "What're you so scared of? If he ever flirts with you again, I'll set him straight."

"We've been broken up for months and he only contacted me once, back in July I think. There's nothing to worry about." I say hastily, fleeting my eyes around the garage. Surprisingly enough, it's a pretty normal garage. There are tools and things for cars lying all around, along with a bunch of bottles of spray paint.

"Then why won't you tell me his name?" His anger is evident in his voice. I take a small step backwards, sucking in a sharp breath.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" We look over at Cesar who's strolling into the garage, his hands tucked into the pockets of his pants.

"Nothing." Oscar and I say in unison. I nervously look away from Oscar, inhaling deep breaths to calm myself. Thank god for Cesar.

Cesar stares between us, slowly nodding his head. He points over his shoulder to the entrance of the garage. "You should go get ready for the dance Cami."

I nod my head, slowly backing away from the brothers and towards the opening. "Uh yeah. I'll uh, see you later?" I say hesitantly to Oscar. He nods his head, before turning his back to me and grabbing the wrench off the table.

Cesar gives me a sympathetic smile. I try to smile back at him but it comes out forced. I turn around and rush out of the garage, my hand pressed against my mouth.

RIDE OR DIE ➸ OSCAR DIAZ [1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt