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"HEY CAMI, RUBY said you weren't feeling so good," Cesar says in a soft and caring tone, as he walks into my room. I look over at him and sigh with a shrug of my shoulders. He walks over and sits down on the edge of my bed, a frown on his soft features. "What's up? Is it Oscar?"

All it took for my pent-up emotions to come pouring out, was his name. I immediately start crying, which startles him. "I'm so sorry Cesar. I tried, but he wouldn't listen." I sob, angrily brushing the tears off my cheeks.

Cesar scoots towards me and pulls me into a hug. "It's not your fault Cami, don't blame yourself. Nobody could've done anything." He whispers in my ear, running his hand through my dark hair.

"B-But still," I sniffle, "I should've tried harder. I'm so sorry."

"This isn't completely about me, is it? There's something else that's bugging you." Cesar asks as he rubs circles on my back in a comforting manner.

"He yelled at me and it reminded me of you know who, and I just want to forget about him. I don't want to think about him anymore, I hate him so much." I sniffle as I move away from him. Cesar frowns lightly, using his thumb to brush away my tears.

"I get it, it hurts. But it's going to take some time to get over him." I scoff and roll my eyes which makes him smile. "Hey look at you, you've still got that perfect eye roll even though you're bawling your eyes out." That earns him a playful punch from me.

"I'm over him. I don't like him at all." I clarify with a sniffle. Now it's his turn to roll his eyes.

"That's not what I meant. What I meant, is that it's going to take some time for you to get over all the horrible things that happened in your relationship." He explains. I nod my head as I look down at my hands. "What happened with you two anyway?" He adds.

I exhale a breathy laugh as I shake my head. "So much fucked up shit," I whisper, tracing the scar on my right hand that starts at my thumb and ends at my wrist. He gave me that. Cesar gently rests his hand on top of mine, making me look up at him.

"I get it if you don't want to talk about him with me. But you've gotta talk about it with someone. It's practically eating you alive." Cesar says with a frown.

I bite down on my bottom lip as I stare at Cesar's upset face, and think over his words. He's right, I have to talk about him. Inhaling a deep breath I say, "I'm fine Cesar. I just feel really bad that I couldn't get you out of the Santos." I lie as I give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"It's whatever. There's no way I could've avoided it. It's my destiny Cami. I was born a Santo and I'll die a Santo." I smack the back of his head causing his eyes to widen in surprise.

"You're not going to die anytime soon idiota." I scowl at him. He laughs lightly, looking down at our hands.

"Let's hope."

"If you ever mention dying again, I'll hit you so hard," I say as I playfully push him. He rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless.

SOMEHOW, CESAR MANAGED to convince me to have dinner with him and Oscar. He said that it would give Oscar and I some time to talk things out. He also mentioned that I should tell Oscar about he-who-must-not-be-named. But then we quickly agreed that Oscar would brutally murder him, and neither of us want him going to jail again.

So here we are, Cesar and I sitting on the counter talking while Oscar cooks. I didn't even know he could cook. I also haven't looked at him at all, which is way harder to do than I thought.

"I'm going to go to the washroom." Cesar says, nudging my ribs with his elbow. I narrow my eyes at him as he gestures towards his brother with his head. I rapidly shake my head as he hops off the counter. "Be right back." He winks at me, dashing away before I have the chance to complain.

I gulp, looking down at my hands. Should I say something? Or should I wait for him to say something? No, I should say something. After all, he probably thinks I'm mad at him. But I'm not mad at him, I'm mad at the piece of shit I dated before him. Theoretically, if I was to say something, what would I even say? I can't just say hi, that's too dry. I could just tell him I'm not mad at him and explain my entire past. But no, then he'd get mad and go hurt he-who-must-not-be-named. Cesar's so creative for coming up with that.

"I didn't know you could cook." I blurt out before I could even give it a second thought. I hold my breath as I wait for him to respond. That was so stupid. Why did I say that?

He chuckles, glancing over his shoulder at me. "There's a lot you don't know bout me." He shrugs, putting down the knife he was using to cut up vegetables. He turns around and leans against the counter, staring straight at me. "Just like there's a lot I don't know bout you."

"Okay, I see you, throwing shade and all," I say, a light smile playing at my lips. He smiles back and shakes his head before walking over to me.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful." He whispers, pushing my legs apart so he could stand between them. My heart skips a beat because of his words, as I wrap my legs around his waist. "I understand what you were trying to say about Cesar this morning. But you should know that there's nothing I can do."

"I know," I whisper, softly caressing his cheek with my thumb. I lean towards him and press our foreheads together. "I know," I whisper, repeating myself.

Oscar sighs in relief, his lips tugging upwards into a smile. "You mean so much to me Cami. I know I do dumb shit all the time, and I'm sorry-"

I silence him by attaching our lips together. He immediately kisses me back, one of his hands holding the back of my head and the other resting on my waist. We kiss as if we haven't seen each other in years.

His touch alone sends shocks through my body and leaves me craving for more. A hot sensation runs through my body as he pushes me up against the cabinets, making the handles dig into my back. But I don't care; my hands fumble with the bottom of his shirt, aching to pull it off his body.

But before I even can do that, Cesar exclaims, "Not on the counter!" Oscar springs away from me, glaring at his younger brother as we try to catch our breaths.

"Why do you do that every time?" Oscar groans, resting his hand on my thigh. I smile at his hand before looking back up at Cesar, who simply shrugs in response to his brother's question. Oscar turns towards me with a smirk playing on his lips. "We're continuing that after dinner." He whispers, dragging his thumb across my bottom lip. I exhale a shaky breath and nod my head, excitement filling my body at the thought of being with him.

"Can you not have sex while I'm in the house?" Cesar scoffs in disgust, grabbing our attention. "That's not something I want to hear."

A/N : man I suck at this whole updating on schedule thing. I just want it to be summer break again smh

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