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THE ENTIRE WALK to Oscar's house was silent, neither one of us dared to speak. Our hands would occasionally brush against each other's causing sparks to rush through my body. But other than that, Oscar waited until we were in his room to say anything.

"So what did you mean by that text?" Oscar asks carefully, sitting down on his bed beside me. He playfully nudges my shoulder with his, making me smile lightly.

I shrug as I inhale a deep breath. "I don't know. You're always talking about how much you want to date me, and you're always calling me your girl and honestly, I think it's cute. I think you're cute, I think you're absolutely amazing and that everything everyone says about you is wrong." I glance over at him to see his expression but his face is neutral, void of any expression at all. I look back down at my hands, picking at the bandage on my left hand and continuing, "But as much as I do want to be your girl, I'm... I'm scared. My last so-called relationship was a shit show. It was absolutely horrible and I don't want a repeat of that. I'm scared that being with you will only repeat my past and I just... I don't know Oscar. I'm just scared."

He's silent for a moment, slowly processing my words. But then, he lets out a shallow breath. "I can't promise you anything morenita." Oscar says quietly. I look up at him and he's frowning at the floor. "But I can try to not be like your ex. What he do anyway?"

I scoff as I roll my eyes. "The question should be, what didn't he do."

"That bad?"

I sigh, flipping my hand over so I wouldn't be tempted to pick at the bandage. "You have no idea," I mumble, frowning lightly at my hand.

"Hey," Oscar starts slowly. I look up and see him smiling lightly at me. "I won't be like that dick. The only thing you gotta put up with for me is all the Santos stuff."

I nod my head and find myself slowly leaning into him. "So... what does this make us?" I ask softly, gazing into his hazel eyes.

"Whatever you want us to be," Oscar says, placing his hand on the back of my head. My heartbeat speeds up when he leans towards me as well. My eyes drift down to his lips that are inches away from mine and when my eyes go back, his are filled with lust. And then, our lips finally meet and the three weeks worth of sexual tension heightens.

At first, I'm too shocked to do anything, but I quickly regain my composure and kiss him back. He gently pushes me down so I'm lying on my back and hovers above me, his hands resting on my waist. My hands are on either side of his face, his stubble prickling my fingers.

His lips move to my neck, leaving soft kisses along the way. His hands wander up and down my body as he sucks at the skin on my neck, causing memories to come flooding into my head. Memories of a person that I want to forget.

The excitement of kissing him and being so close to him quickly wears off and is replaced by an antsy feeling. "Oscar wait," I mumble, trying to push him away. Unlike he-who-must-not-be-named, he actually listens to me and pulls away almost immediately.

"What's wrong?" He asks breathlessly as he pushes pieces of my hair away from my face. "Too far?"

"I need to go," I say, ignoring his questions and darting my eyes around the room.

"Hey, look at me." I wince, remembering the dream I had of him before coming here. But I comply, not wanting things to escalate. "Are you okay? I push your limit or something?"

"Oscar I really need to go," I whisper, pursing my lips. He furrows his eyebrows but nods his head anyway, helping me off the bed.

"Uh okay. I'll walk-"

"No!" I say hurriedly as I fix my clothes. He gives me a confused look, causing me to suck in a sharp breath. "It's not that far, I can go myself."

"You're mad dumb if you think I'm gonna let you walk by yourself in the middle of the night." Oscar scoffs, reaching for my hand but I swiftly put it in the pocket of my sweatpants.

"Fine, walk me back home."

The walk back to my house is even more awkward than the walk to his house. I could tell that he wanted to say something, but he stayed silent the entire time.

"Goodnight." Oscar forces a smile onto his face, leaning in to kiss me but I turn my head at the last second so his lips meet my cheek. He pulls away with a puzzled look on his face, but I force a smile before rushing inside.

"I UH, HEARD you screaming last night. Did it have something to do with he-who-must-not-be-named?" Ruby asks me quietly at breakfast the next morning. I force out a small laugh upon hearing the name Ruby called him.

"You been talking to Cesar?" I ask jokingly, ignoring my phone that's buzzing wildly. Ruby glances at my phone before looking at me.

"Yeah, he told me you'd prefer that we call him that opposed to actually using his name." Ruby explains, twirling his spoon around his cereal.

I nod my head as I take a sip of my orange juice. "Aren't they always about him?" I say sarcastically, resting my elbow on the table and then my chin on my palm. Ruby frowns but nods his head anyway.

"I also know that you went to Oscar's house last night." I roll my eyes. "Are you two official..?"

"No," I say shortly, looking down at my half-full glass of orange juice. The butterflies from last night haven't left my stomach yet, so I'm unable to eat anything.

"What's up with you two? I thought you guys really liked each other." Ruby asks, his voice full of confusion.

"There's a difference between actually liking someone, and feeling lust towards them." I shrug, gazing at him. He nods his head, opening his mouth to ask a question but he's cut off by the doorbell. "If it's anyone I know, tell them I'm not home," I say quickly, grabbing my juice and phone and rushing into my room.

I gently place the glass on my side table and my phone beside it, before sitting on my bed Indian style. I pick at my nails as I wait for Ruby to come back and tell me who was at the door. Thankfully, I don't have to wait too long.

Ruby waltzes into my room and scoffs, "Of course it was your boyfriend."

"Not my boyfriend." I remind him with a roll of my eyes. "What did he want?"

"Wanted to know if you were home. I said no, as per your instructions and he told me to tell you to text him back." Ruby explains as he folds his arms over his chest. "Why are you ignoring him?"

"I'm not ignoring him," I say slowly as I try to come up with some sort of excuse. "I just don't want to speak to him at this particular moment."

"Then text him. That doesn't involve speaking."

"I think you misunderstood my point."

A/N : I was supposed to update last night but I was so tired that I forgot, my bad. I also have some chapters written already and I just realized that I forgot to add Mario into the story. well, I guess it's too late for that now.

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