♔ xvi. "Not you too!"

Start from the beginning

"I didn't know Jin hyung could do a bad thing such as that."

"Jin hyung, I'm disappointed."


"Oh." The three of them simultaneously said. "Lame."

It was getting out of hand by every second that passed but truthfully speaking, Yoongi felt his head clear. Even though they were being rowdy, they helped him forget about unnecessary thoughts such as those old geezers from the higher ups and came up with a new idea how to solve the finances. As what Jin had told him, he also agrees with the site.

He just has to make it official with their president which really isn't a problem. After all, Yoongi's opinions have a great influence when it comes to the student council despite being the treasurer. He can ring Joohyun after this so she can pass the message for him in his name. As much as possible he didn't want to deal with their president one on one− he was the kind of guy that Yoongi always want to stay clear from especially alone and Joohyun understands this more than anyone.

"I think the most important thing that we are provided aside from food are the tents, right hyung?" Jimin spoke up after much thought. "And camping materials... like for making fire." Yoongi nodded in agreement and made notes on that one as well.

What else is there to consider? Yoongi thought to himself, looking down at his notes, brows furrowed as he tapped his pen on the table.

Namjoon was looking at his hyung carefully. There's always that look that Yoongi has when he's stuck on something and Namjoon knows it well. They have worked together a lot in various things after all. Well, except in building things since he's only good at destroying them. Namjoon internally chuckled at that thought. "It's not related to finance but what about the groupings?"


"Yeah. Who goes with who? As we've mentioned, we have to look after the younger ones. And also, matters with each section too." Namjoon shrugged. "I don't think you can go as far as mixing some students from the first year with other years."

"How about keeping them in a close are with the other year levels; first year with third year and second with fourth." Hoseok offered and looked around.

Yoongi nodded. "Yeah, that could work well. I'll take note of that. Mixing some students in one year level to another will complicate the arrangement of advisers present."

"Oooohh ~" Everyone's eyes turned to Taehyung who now looked more excited than ever. "If that will be the final decision, does that mean I could hang around with Joohyunie the whole camping trip?"

"No." Jimin flatly replied. "Not really." Which earned a silly face from Taehyung.

Taehyung gave a pout of his lips. "Hey! Just because you get to hang around with your girlfriend because you're classmates doesn't mean you can be mean to me." This statement earned him a deep blush from the boy. Well that was satisfying. He was internally grinning to himself- and felt Jungkook give him a secret pat that probably meant 'Job well done, hyung.'

"Y-yah! She's not my girlfriend!" Although it hurt saying that with his own lips, it was still the truth.

"Not for long." Hoseok teased.

"Hobi hyung!" Jimin whined− his blush, now uncontrollable.

"The camping will be two nights and three days, right?" Jungkook started, an evil grin lit up his face. "Hyung! You can finally show noona your real manly side!" At the mention of the word 'manly', Jimin was reminded of the memory of him and Seulgi in the classroom when she told him how she sees his manly side.

Now all he could do was shield his face from everyone's vision. If any of them continued, he might not handle it anymore.

"Jimin-ah." He was thankful as Yoongi's voice immediately took him out of his demise.

But he spoke too soon.

"It'll be nice to spend the night under the moonlight and talk about the future, wouldn't it?"

"Not you too!"





Baejoo 🍵

I'm free. Is there anything you want to talk about?


Yeah. The camp.

I'm going to give you a call rn.

Baejoo 🍵

Ohh. You want me to pass a message to him?


You understand me well. That's nice.

Baejoo 🍵

Well, it's him we're talking about. Why do you not like him anyway?

Yoongi paused for a moment and thought deeply. He imagined the guy who was their topic at the moment, shook his head and let out an exhausted sigh.


It's not that I don't like him.

I already have six boys with sugar rush every day in my hands, I don't need another one.

Joohyun couldn't help but chuckle at that. Well, he had a point. Those boys really do seem like they were a handful. Although she knew it couldn't be as bad as he says it is because if it were, he wouldn't be going to school, complaining to her about the 'rascals' but still look happy even when he doesn't show it.

Baejoo 🍵

Alright, alright ~ I'll wait for the call.


Wow- I updated! It's been a while since they've gathered at home like this huh? So, they're going on camping! I have never heard of a University that goes camping for the anniversary of the school but to hell with it. It's fiction anyway.

Don't even begin with the forest, it just popped up. HAHA! But then again, this story was never really intended to be some serious shit of a fiction.

This book is basically something you can read if you're tired of very dramatic events, something to read for a change, or when you want to take a break. After all, my very purpose is to offer you your dose of BangtanVelvet fluff and I hope I could make you guys a wee bit happy with this.

YAY! First time I revealed a text conversation between Yoongi and Joohyun ~ how is it? Notice their names and emojis? The names are basically their unfinished names- Yoongi started it by lazily spelling Joohyun's name and she only did the same so it would be fair. Hhe ~ The emotes, Yoongi's emote is coffee and Joohyun's is tea! I just think that differentiates the two of them. Meheh.

I'm having fun with the personalities of each of them and I hope you are too ~ Thank you for the continuous support and for the 21, 687k reads and 1, 119 votes! Thank you all so much. This honestly keeps me going.

Please do leave a vote and comments ~ it's very much free. Anywayyy ~ how many 2018 new readers do I have? Especially last month? Thank you all so much! I hope we can talk more ~

Alice 💜

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