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    So this is another chapter of me and A.H having a really stupid moment. Anyway who loves science class? 

Cause I don't 

If you had me in your class for science you'll see me with my head down sleeping.Yes.Sleeping. And if you don't see me sleeping you'll see me staring at the clock cursing under my breath for time to speed up. Back to the story, we were in this other class for the day cause the highschoolers were using our room. There was a projecter that shows what is on the computer so we can see the time. Then A.H said "Why is it always 11:57?" and I looked and she was right and i was like, yea why is it always 11:57. Then out of no where she started laughing.

I was trying to find at what she was laughing at, but I didn't have to cause my good friend Genesee told me

"It's on freeze mode right now that's why she's laughing." I felt really stupid and I just smiled to myself of how stupid I am.

That's today's story hope you liked it! 


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