Chapter 13: The Battle of Satan's Sin Part 1

Start from the beginning

Special got metal claws on both hands. Air got his bow with his symbol on the limbs and quiver full of arrows. Earth got the Thor-like hammer with his symbol on the metal block. Omega got long knives with his symbol on the handles. Water got his trident. Alpha got a massive battle axe with the symbol on the blades. Papa got his staff, designed with seven deadly sins symbols around the handle and the Grucifix top of the staff. Kyle got his hand guns with demonic symbols and demons on it. And last but not least, Ophelia got her sword with blood symbol on the handle and all the symbols on the blade.

Several hooded figures remove the hoods and reveal the faces. Papa felt shocked with the faces that he recognised. 'Hello, Ghost. Enjoy the show?' The man in front smirked. Air said, 'Hi, Viktor. Long time, no see.' 

Pandora sheepishly flirting with Omega. 'Hi, honey. Missing me?' He scolds, 'We're over, years ago.' She laughed at him. 'Is the fight, something to do with your blind revenge?' Ophelia ordered an explanation to the gang. They looked confused. 'You don't get it. All of you are brats! When something doesn't go as you expected, you'll do nasty things to win over!' She shouted. They gasped and Luther scold, 'How dare you say that!' 'Now, now.' Viktor calmed him down. He took four steps forward, raised his arms up and informed Ghost. 'Nine against nine. The battle is about to begin. We'll show you the performance of a lifetime.' Ophelia and the others walked to the edge of the stage, jump off and jump over the barrier. 

The gang pull their weapons out and charge towards Ghost. Ophelia reached her hand out and use her telekinetic powers to push them back. Alpha helped as well. They fly to the back on the stalls. 'That's cheating!' The man with red eyes shouted. 'Patience.' Papa advised. They got up and charge again. Ophelia clicked her fingers and the theatre speakers played Indestructible by Disturbed. Papa patted her shoulder for good battle song. Ophelia smiled and shouted, 'Charge!' They yelled and ran to the gang.

They swing the weapons and hitting each other. Omega fighting Pandora, Water fighting Viktor and Papa fighting Luther. Ophelia blocked the man's axe attacks. Swing after swing, she dodges it. When he swings his axe horizontally, she did a gymnastic back-flip. Then, she strikes her sword through his chest. Blood come out of his mouth and the wound. She lifted the axe, cut her palm and put few drops on his mouth. She pulled her sword out of him and he fell to his knees. He cried in despair, pulled a knife and slit his throat.

Air is on the first circle, keeping an eye. Water blocking Viktor's sword attacks. Earth swing his hammer and hit the woman in the face. Alpha being pushed to the wall by the strong, muscular man. As he about to strike Water with his shiv, Air draw his arrow, focus on his neck and fire it. The man collapsed, dead. Water look up and thanked Air by bowed his head. He continued fighting Viktor.

Special slashed the man's chest and plunge the claws in the abdomen. He scooped the guts out of the man's stomach and slash the face. The man is dead. Earth punched the floor with his hammer to break the wood and large slinters shot up and kill the woman. 

Kyle use martial arts on the muscular woman. She swings the stick and hit him in the head. He tumbled to the floor with the pain in his head. She leans down and threaten him. 'Your sister will be dead soon. No one can help you. Not even your friends. You are worthless. Like Papa and Ophelia.' Kyle looked up with his face screwed in pain and shouted a spell. 'Occidit ei cum daemonium de ira!' He pulled his out, quickly aim her forehead and pull the trigger. She dropped to the ground, face down. Kyle got up and saw her, lay in the pool of blood.

The man with the red eyes charged at Ophelia with his scimitar and Omega throws his knife to the back of the man's neck. He kneeled and fell face down to the floor, dead. Ophelia thanked Omega. Pandora shouted, 'Is that's your new girlfriend!?' 'No. She's engaged.' Omega angrily informed her. Pandora sigh, 'I'll sort her out.' She strikes Omega down and ran to Ophelia. 

She pounced on Ophelia and stabs her in the back. Ophelia screamed in pain and they fell to the ground. Pandora continued stabbing her. Ophelia remembered her vision of Pandora. She felt weak with the stabbing. 

Then, Alpha shouted a fire spell. 'Ignis! Adolebitque illud in ferreo canis exprimamus!' He put his hand out and the flames shooting out to Pandora. She screamed of the fire, burns her skin. Alpha stopped and ran towards Pandora. 'How dare you! But, you'll get bad thoughts soon.' He smirked. 

She looked confused of what Alpha is talking about, while in pain and then, the guilt trip hits her. Because she touched Ophelia's blood, she fell to her knees and cried. Viktor shouted to her, 'Stop being a worthless bitch and kill them!' Pandora couldn't speak. Ophelia sat up and informed Pandora, 'Your guilt trip, is about your past and how horrible your certain events are.' She slowly stood up as her healing factor nearly completed. Pandora felt extremely paranoid. 'Kill me, please. I don't want to be here, anymore.' She sobbed. Alpha lifted his axe and replied, 'Don't mind if I do.' He swung the axe and cut Pandora's head off.

Ophelia give an impression of the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland, 'Off with her head!' Omega, Alpha, Air, Special and Earth laughed. Then, Papa began to get weak of the fight. Ophelia ran towards them and block Luther's sword attack with her sword. Luther smirked, 'Well, I bet you do anything to protect Papa.' She panted, 'You have no fucking idea.' She paces forward as Omega and Earth helped Papa get up. Luther and Ophelia slowly walked around in the En Garde positions. He saw Ophelia's engagement ring and said, 'Congrats for that. But not for long!'

He swung the sword from above his head and she block it as he strikes. She reflexes and attack him. 'You fight like a girl.' He made a compliment. She pulled an angry face and shouted, 'You fight for your sister! She here right now!' He chuckled, 'I don't believe a word.' Then, she knocks his sword off his hand and plunge her sword to his abdomen. He gasped and the blood comes out of the wound. Cirice whispered to her ear, 'May I use your body, to talk to him?' She nodded. Then, Cirice formed into the white mist. Everyone saw it. Water began to get weak and Alpha took his place to fight Viktor.

The mist floats into Ophelia's mouth and she opened her eyes. The eye colour changed from green to white. Luther's eyes widened and silently groaned as he about to die, 'C-C-Cirice?' She nods and he dropped dead. She yanked the sword out and he collapsed to the floor. Ophelia returned and Cirice said in her head, I'll let you do your power, now. She nodded, kneel beside Luther and used darkness healing. The stab wounds are healed, she placed her hand on his heart, closed her eyes and use the spell. 'Mortuos ad vitam producat. Obsecro vos.' She felt his heartbeat and he gasped as he got back to life. 

Air and Water about to pick Luther up, but Ophelia raised her hand to not to do anything yet. Luther looked around and whispered, 'What's going on?' Then, he saw the white mist around Ophelia. She noticed it as well. Luther began to have the same ability as her, talking to spirits. 'It's okay. Once you're back to life, you get the ability like I have.' She informed him. She helped him up and his personality changed. 'I'm so sorry, Ophelia. I realised now.' He apologised. They hugged and Viktor throw his sword through Papa's chest. Everyone turned around and gasped.

Dun, dun, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!

***What will happen to Papa? What would Ophelia feel? Would she get revenge? Stay tuned to find out.***

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