Chapter 12: Popestar Tour

Start from the beginning

Then, the lights in the auditorium slowly dim and the fans scream the top of their lungs. Ophelia took deep breaths and the Masked Ball played. The red lights directly to the auditorium. Papa stood behind her and whispered, 'Good luck, Ghuleh.' 'Thanks.' He patted her back and waited by the door.

Then, the cue for Alpha, Earth and Air to get on stage. They positioned as the lights turned off. The audience screamed and the ghouls began to play Square Hammer. She exhaled sharply, played the note and walked to the centre of the stage with Omega. The fans went hysteric and they start to play together. Ophelia focus on playing the song while hearing fans shouting and screaming. Then, Papa sang as he appeared behind her. The audience went wild when he showed up. Then, she looking at the fans for given attention to them. The chorus started and Ophelia sang with Papa.

Are you on the square?

Are you on the level?

Are you ready to swear right here, right now

Before the devil

That you're on the square

That you're on the level

That you're ready to stand right here, right now

Right here, right now

Ophelia smiled after she sang it for the first time, live. She moved for Papa to go in the front to the fans. She really enjoyed performing in front of thousands of fans. When the chorus starts again, she moved beside Papa and sang her heart out. She really wants to look at him, but the rule is to interact with the audience. She looked at several fans and they screamed her stage name, Water. The guitar solos began, she walked to Earth, head banged to the beat and he winked at her. She grinned and walked towards Air. He bowed his head to her and she bowed back. Then, the final chorus. She sang with Papa and the fans. Then, Papa greeted, 'Good evening, Rochester!' The ghouls hit the note, Earth did a drum roll for Ophelia to walk to the platform between Earth and Air and play From The Pinnacle To The Pit.

The fans scream of one of the best songs of the Meliora album. She smiled while she plays the intro. She headbanged in a beat and stomping her feet. She looked at Papa with a smile. He winked, walked to the stage and sang the verse. Ophelia got the very slight hint of the vision coming, but she controlled it. She won't allow it while she's playing. As she plays, she thinks how far she's been. From an innocent, curious and fragile girl to a smart, metalhead and Nameless Ghoul for Ghost. They finish playing and the lights out.

Everything went well. She had a bit of the break while Papa is talking to the audience. Ophelia giggled when Papa saying not to touch the Sisters of Sin while they are in the pit and tell the fans to grab each other as much as they want. She took a quick sip of the water, walked back to the stage and prepare for Body and Blood.

After playing Devil Church, she can't wait the play the next song. Alpha and Omega having a guitar-off. Then, Alpha started the Cirice riff. The crowd went crazy. Ophelia slowly walked to the stage and playing the bass line. Then, the beat hits hard, she head banged with the drums and stomping her feet. Then, they stopped and Papa appeared in his suit. The fans yelled in excitement. They start playing again. She moved out of his way. As Papa got to the mic, she sang the whole song with him. The crowd sang along with them and then, Papa sang to the female fan in the loud dynamic chorus. Ophelia doesn't mind that. They finished playing Cirice, she throws the pick to the audience and a fan caught it. Ophelia felt relieved after doing that.

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