Chapter 11: Rehearsal of the Rituals

Start from the beginning

The next day in the cathedral, Ophelia sat on the pew and pray. Special slowly walked along the aisle and tapped her shoulder. 'Papa and the ghouls want you in the music room, now.' He informed her. She nodded, stood up and follow him to the music room.

Special opened the door to let Ophelia go through and there is Papa and the ghouls, together in the room, with the instruments around the room and mic stand in the centre. 'Ah. Hello, Ghuleh. We are doing a rehearsal for the tour coming up.' She nodded as she looked at the ghouls. Water sat on the floor, reading a book. 'Water had an unexpected event happened, so you take his place as the bassist. And you'll be called Water, like him.' Papa offered her the position.

She smiled and thanked him. He passes the bass to her and she grabbed it. She put the strap over her head and make sure that she comfortably positioned her playing stance. Papa smiled and said to everyone, 'That's getting started, shall we?' They look at the setlist of songs and start to practice Stand By Him. She knows ALL the Ghost songs. As she plucks the sting with a pick and play along with the band. She smiled with joy. As they play Cirice, she sang with Papa in a nice, rocking voice. He noticed and smiled at her. She smiled back. Then, Papa suggested the next song to practice. 'Let's do Mummy Dust.' They nod their heads.

Alpha and Omega switched guitars for different tuning. Ophelia put her bass down and grab the black Fender Jazz bass guitar. As they are in the middle of playing, Ophelia got a vision. It is Papa dies in her arm and she cry in despair. Then, she returned to the present and collapsed to the floor. Papa rushed to her and whispered, 'What's your vision this time?' She opened her mouth and mute the words that she can't talk. Air looked at her to read her mind and his eyes widened. 'Um.... You die in her arms, Papa.' They turned their heads to Air and Papa gasped. 'Is it true?' He turned his head to Ophelia. 'I.... I.... I don't know. It doesn't mean, it meant to be. W...We can stop that to prevent the future.' Papa nodded and help her get up. Papa wrote a note on his notebook and they continue doing the rehearsal throughout the afternoon.

After two hours of rehearsal, Ophelia thought about the powers that she got and her thoughts are all over the place. Cirice appeared and whispered, 'I know you been through this hell, but you'll be doing fine.' They looked at each other and Omega asked Ophelia, 'What are you looking at?' Cirice whispered to her, 'You can tell him about this. Don't be shy.' Then, she disappeared into mist. Ophelia turned to Omega and told him about her ability. His eyes widened and gasped. 'Jeez, Ophelia. None of us had that superpower. Cirice does help you go through a lot of things.' She nodded. 'I don't want to upset Papa about this.' 'I understand. Let's have dinner.' He suggested. She smiled and they exit the music room.

Ophelia is in the dining room having a silent dinner. She didn't eat much. Papa looked at her and thought to himself, What's wrong with Ghuleh?' I hope she's okay. Everyone in the dining room has finished the dinner. Ophelia quickly got up from the bench and exit through the door. Papa followed her.

Ophelia entered the crypt of Cirice. She sat on the floor, in front of the shrine. Papa peep through the doorway. She talks to Cirice as Papa couldn't see her. 'I don't want anyone to be upset, that I can talk to spirits like you.' 'I know the feeling, Ophelia. I've been through a lot. Papa and the ghouls loved me very much.' She whispered. 

Papa very slowly and quietly tip toed towards to her. Ophelia continued talking to Cirice. 'I.....I think it's time to tell them and find more superpowers. I wonder what else that I can do.' Cirice whispered back. 'You got five more powers. And a couple more that evolves with Papa.'

'I know Soul Link is one of them.'

'There is one more. I can feel it in your heart.'

'Thanks. You are a great guide and friend to me.' Ophelia thanked Cirice. She smiled and faded into smoke. Papa quietly asked her, 'Who are you talking to?' She jumped and turned her head to him. 'Oh. Hey, Papa. Um... no one.' She faked a smile. Papa sat on the floor, beside her. 'You don't need to lie about it. Now, tell me. Who are you talking to?' He politely asked Ophelia again. She took a deep breath and answered, 'Cirice. After the combat training, she appeared in front of me. She helped me get through a lot of things.' Papa's eyes widened and began to cry. She hugged him and whispered, 'She loves you. She always looking out for you and the ghouls.' He calmed his cries, but still feel sad.

Ophelia got an idea to cheer him up. She pulled her phone out from her pocket and play the band that she knows will make him laugh on YouTube. 'I'm gonna put Evil Scarecrow on. They are so funny.' She helped Papa get up and play Dance of the Cyclops. She played the video. Starts with the speech by Dr Hell and then, the carnival-like intro. He smiled and Ophelia helped him into the waltz dance. He quietly giggles as the funny lyrics hit him. She laughed with him and sang throughout the song.

The video stopped and she put Crabulon on. As it played the pre-chorus, she did a crab dance to make a fool out of herself. Papa laughed loudly and asked her, 'Have you seen them before?' 'At Bloodstock. First time saw them, it's me, Kyle and my dad.' She laughed as she remembered their live performances. 'I never laughed so much, when I saw them. The topics of their songs, brilliant. We go there every year for them. We met them and they are very friendly.' He nods his head, while he laughed.

Then suddenly, he laughed loudly, in evil way. Ophelia shocked of the eyes and facial expression. 'You can't have my man, bitch!' He shouted. 'Amy. What are you doing here?' She demanded her. 'I want to stay away from him and kill yourself.' Ophelia had enough of that shit. She reached her arms out and focus of possessed Papa. 'Ha! You have no idea what you are doing.' Amy laughed. Then, the demon smoke got out through his mouth and Ophelia sacrificed herself to transfer Amy from Papa to her. Papa fell to the floor and eyes widens. The smoke went into Ophelia's mouth and she fell to the floor. She violently shakes. Papa ran and kneeled down. Ophelia tried to get Amy out of her body and she screamed. 'BEGONE DEMON! GO TO HELL, WHERE YOU BELONG!' The black smoke got out of her mouth, she scratched herself to draw blood on the ground, say a prayer, the smoke floats down to the symbol and went through to hell.

Ophelia gasping for air. Papa cupped her cheek and whispered, 'She's gone. Everything is alright, now.' Ophelia breathed, 'I did it. She is in hell. For good.' Papa helped her get up and asked, 'How do you know, how to use that superpower?' She turned her head and stare at Cirice in the corner. Papa knows what's on their heads. They giggled and winked to each other.

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