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Accept. You and Tom are now friends on Facebook.

Tom: Hey, you're the girl from earlier today right? Matt gave me your name.
Tori: Yeah, thanks for coming into the bathroom, I needed some positivity today lol.
Tom: No problem, I may sound creepy, but I've wanted to talk to you since we started in September.
Tori: Aww that's kind of cute, I'm glad you chose today to stand up.
Tom: No problem, is this the first time they've done something like that?
Tori: No, they make fun of me sometimes but that's to be expected from some future 'nice girls' (Nice girl, the female equivalent of a nice guy).
Tom: lmao, want to sit with us tomorrow? Their less likely to target you then hopefully, I'm worried, especially with your hand like that. What did the doctor say? Will you be alright?
Tori: I'd love to. It's a shame that the monsters in this world walk among us. My hand is fine, going to wear a bandage for a bit though.
Tom: I have to go. Have a wonderful night Tori.
Tori: You too Tom.
Unbeknownst to both teenagers, they mimicked each others actions as their heart fluttered, they let out collective sighs of relief excited for the future.

The next day Tori exited the bus, looking messy. She tried to brush her hair but she'd fucked up her dominant hand.
She made her way to form, playing on her phone waiting for the Teacher to let the class in.
"Hey," Laurel called approaching Tori.
Tori looked up "Hi."
"You're Tori right?" She nodded, "Tom told me to find you, come with me, you look lonely." Laurel smiled leading Tori over to their small group.

Sorry it's short.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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