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Tori sunk into her hoodie, these lessons always made her uncomfortable, to most people like her a sex ed lesson would be a whole host of laughs as the elderly teacher painfully pronounced words like "Penis" and "Vagina", obviously the teens would laugh and it would be a right hoot. Not for Tori, sure, she probably would have been like her peers if it weren't for the discomfort she felt in her body. Tori was transgender, better yet, closet trans.
He hated it, the sinking feeling he felt when people used the wrong pronoun and the dizzying feeling he experienced when he showered were his own personal hell.
He didn't like the people he shared the school with, you had your typical whiny girls and their protégés, the knuckle headed 'men' hiding their weaknesses with brutality, but finally of course you have the exceptions. There were a few people in the class that didn't make him want to pop a cap and end his miserable existence. There was Laurel, a goth girl who didn't take shit from anyone, Tori looked up to her. There was also Edd, a slightly chubby brunette who's skills in art wowed even the 'popular' students. Next there was Matt, a tall ginger haired boy who seemed rather empty headed for someone in set 1. Finally, there was Tom, now what he say? Tom had weird eyes and braces and was like a chest who'm only his closest friends had the key.
Tori usually preferred women, Tom was an exception, he was beautiful and mysterious, if only she knew if he!was beautiful on the inside.
He would get his chance that afternoon when a cruel joke went too far, Tori sat in the canteen in her normal table eating a peanut butter sandwich when ms Irresistible appeared with two of her goons.
"So what's this about me ending up in a shell hmm? (Shell is a petrol station btw) the top dog, Natasha, asked.
Tori stared emotionlessly at Natasha, say what you will appearances here were everything, not only to the teachers, but the students too. Not much personality could show through the skirts, tie, polo, jumpers, tights and trousers, so people had to find other ways to assert their authority. The three looked like models with their perfectly styled hair and enough makeup to give the headmaster a stroke, and then there was Tori, a messy haired, sleep deprived, foreigner wearing a long black trench coat. To the students she appeared foreign not only in language, but in everything she did.
"it was joke Natasha, no harm done" Tori responded putting down her food.
Natasha's eyes narrowed, giving a look to her friend, said friend opened some banana milk and all but tipped it on Tori, Tori covered her face surprised when nothing happened, the three found it funny of course but Natasha wasn't done, she nudged the girls arm sending disgusting milk all over the poor Tori.
Tori immediately got up grabbing her ruck sack and stormed out sprinting to the shared bathrooms when out of sight.
As she began to was the gunk from her hair she caught herself in the mirror, choking back tears she walked up to it. Words like 'broken' 'wrong' rung through her head as she thought about how cruel the world was, and why she had been chosen to be like this.
In a rage of anger her fist collided with the mirror shattering it before falling to her knees.
"Holy crap!" A male voice exclaimed from behind her. Tori turned her head, it was Tom who was now rushing to her side, "Lady, your hand!".
Tori looked down, small shards of glass were sticking out of her hand and blood was seeping from the wound. Tom helped her up, his face scrunching up as the smell of banana and blood filled his nose. He walked her to the office where he waited with her and trying to remove and clean up the larger wounds all whilst Tori tearfully thanked him, telling him how he wasn't like the other boys. He stayed with her until the nurse came out, a full ten minutes after the bell had rung. He left after that whilst the Nurse picked the shards from her hand with tweezers. Her dads arrive soon after hearing about the incident from the headmaster before they took her to the local surgery to make sure no pieces remained in her hand. The nurse did a good job so Tori was sent home with a sore bandaged hand, sticky hair and two worried fathers.
She didn't want to face the music that evening so she escaped into a place she could feel free, her room. Flopping down onto her cosy bed she checked her phone, " 1 New Friend request from Tom".

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