The Story of the Usani Brothers

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Those that follow are the sons' of Lord Brock and Lady Claire Usani:

The eldest was Bronco Usani who married Lilly and sired three children, Tilly, Colt and Felicity.

Tilly grew to be a fierce and independent woman, sure of whom she was and what she was going to do. Her blue eyes pierced anyone who dared defy her but her brunette ringlets softened her countenance.

Colt shared her clear blue eyes and her defiant personality but his was more reserved and more subtle. He learned well from her.

Felicity having the same ability as her siblings to pierce through people with her blue eyes never used it and instead did what she could for others. The three siblings were close and remained close throughout their childhood, only drifting apart as they found someone to love in the romantic sense.

Lord Wolfe Usani married Warrior Sparrow Iceni. He sired five children, four sons and one daughter, the eldest two being twins. They were as follows: Talon and Falcon, Brock, Corbin and Sarika.

The eldest boys, twins, were completely identical, never shifting in looks away from each other as they grew. Due to their significantly similar interests and hobbies their builds remained equal. Unless others were let into the family secret they never could work out which was Talon and which was Falcon. Even family had to make the boys stop and look them in the eyes, for this is where they differed and only just slightly. For Falcon's eyes were completely a dark blue, yet Talon's were the same blue but around his right pupil there was a ring of green.

Brock and Corbin, two years apart in age could not have been more different. Brock certainly took after his father Wolfe, same dark hair and blue eyes. Corbin however resembled a male Sparrow. His eyes gleamed emerald and his hair tied at the nape of his neck was a bright blond.

Sarika, the youngest and the only daughter, inherited her father's dark blue eyes and her mother's long blonde hair. She grew up to be protected and cherished by all of her brothers, destined to be tough and strong.

Bear Usani married Amelia, already a mother to two children: Oz and Tress.

Oz grew to be a mature and responsible young man. Bear and Oz grew to be very close and no one ever questioned who actually fathered the boy. His true parents never came forward to discover him and he lived happily within the Usani lands watching out for his Ma and his siblings.

Tress matured to become an almost spitting image of her aunt Zara without the fiery red hair. She was quick, clever and fantastic at weaving a story. Some may have feared she would become like the man who fathered her. However they need not have worried, for not only did she inherit her mother's green eyes she learnt from example that honesty was important and that people were not there to be manipulated. As a young woman she spent time with both Bear and Gethin. One would always remain the father of her heart, the other simply a man who promised her too much that could never come true.

Bear sired one son and named him Hunter. He inherited his mother's brunet hair and his father's uniquely individual eyes. He grew to be taller than his father. He became a good and honest man, quick witted and ready to defend those he loved and cared about.

Logan Usani married Skyrah. He fathered two children, a daughter and a son.

His daughter he named Quinn, a true and natural beauty when she became a woman inheriting almost all from her mother apart from her personality. She became a gentle and peaceful woman who had no idea the power she wielded with men.

His son they named Quentin, a man who inherited his father's curly blond hair and striking green eyes but took after his mother in other respects. He had a quick tongue and was less willing to be forgiving.

Archer, formerly known as Hunter the illegitimate son of the late Lord Usani, married Lady Arisxandre of Tikva. For a long time it seemed as if they were not to be blessed with a child and truthfully their travelling lifestyle was not cohesive. However when they least expected it Arisxandre fell pregnant.

She gave birth to a tiny baby girl with a mane of inky black hair and wide chocolate brown eyes. No challenge before or after could ever compare to raising a daughter such as her. She had her father wrapped around her little finger no matter what age she became. Her name was Kira. Her cousin may have been fierce and independent, but Kira outshone her in that regard. With both her parents' strong wills and stubborn natures she was a storm that threw aside all that it viewed bothersome. But like her father she had a soft core which became apparent whenever she was around animals. She was loyal and protective to those she allowed close.

So this is the story of the Usani brothers and the legacies they left behind. Bronco and Lilly loved one another more than anything. Wolfe and Sparrow stubbornly devoted themselves to one another with fights and banter. Bear and Amelia grew closer over time and found true happiness in their ever after. Logan and Skyrah were a solid match that made their future one of trust. Archer and Arisxandre's chemistry and love never died, always having the power to make one swoon.

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