Chapter 8: Superpowers Unlocked

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She offered Holly a helping hand with a suitcase, but Sister Imperator declined the offer. 'I'm sure that Earth will-.' As Ophelia lifted the suitcase, Sister Imperator's jaw dropped. 'Oh my god, Ophelia.' 'Not that heavy to me.' She objected. Sister Imperator tried it herself and she find it super heavy. 'Well, you can lend a hand with her suitcase, Sister Ophelia.' 'Thank you, Sister Imperator.' Ophelia thanked her. They walked to the dormitory and Ophelia lifted the suitcase into Holly's bed. 'You may go, Sister.' Sister Imperator ordered her. She curtsied and left the dormitory to the classroom.

As she continued helping the children, she thought about her new power of strength. Sister Imperator said that Earth would help. Ophelia suddenly thought that's Earth's superpower. 

After the session, she went to the kitchen to make lunch. Sister Lisa is there. They chattered away, as they wash and prepare the vegetables.

Alpha appeared and thanked the sisters. 'Well, thank you sisters for a helping hand.' Everyone curtsied. As they about to leave the kitchen, Alpha ordered someone to stay. 'Sister Ophelia. Do you mind cooking with me for a moment?' 'No. Of course, I'll help.' 'Splendid.' Alpha smiled underneath his mask. 

The others left and Ophelia cooking Macaroni Cheese and boiled veg. Alpha asked her a question. 'Why do you got the same power as I got?' 'I have no idea, until Papa noticed the other sigils along my spine.' His eyes widened and gasped. 'That's why. Jeez, Ophelia. You ARE special.' She grinned. Alpha cooking the beef mince for Spaghetti Bolognese.

Then, she heard shouting from the hallway. Alpha didn't hear it. She ran out of the kitchen. Alpha asked her, 'Where are you going?' She continued running. She got out of the dining room and saw two brothers beating up Kyle. She felt angry and she thought of them exactly how it feels to feel pain and fear the worst. Suddenly, one of them screamed in pain and the other breakdown in fear. They begged her to stop. She shouted, 'No! You have no idea how it feels like! Doing that to my brother, I'm sick of it!'

She continued use the powers on them and Papa shouted, 'Ophelia! Stop that at once!' She didn't listen. Her flashbacks have returned and she breakdown to the floor. She stopped use her new powers and the brothers got up and ran. She sobbed and apologised to Papa. 'I'm sorry. I don't what came over me and then-.' He hugged her and whispered. 'It's okay, älskling. You did that to protect Kyle. I'll report it to Sister Imperator.' She thanked him. Alpha ran through the door, panted and asked Papa, 'What's going on?' 'Don't worry, Fire. Everything is fine, now.' He grinned. 'Don't call me that!' Alpha shouted, angrily. He quickly turned and head into the dining room. Papa helped her up and took her to his chamber.

In Papa's chamber, he gave Ophelia a couple of painkillers and a glass of water. She thanked him and took the tablets. He sat beside her on the sofa and smiled, 'I heard that, your training is going pretty well. Am I right?' She nodded and sighed. 'I got a bit light headed after that.' He put his hand on her leg and smiled. 'I am so proud of you, Ghuleh.' She blushes. He put his hand on her cheek and rubbed it with his thumb. 

They smiled and a knock on the door. 'It's lunch time. Come in!' Papa ordered. Special entered with a tray of food for Papa. As he put it on the desk, Papa orders. 'Special. Can you bring lunch for Ophelia to here, please?' He bowed and exit the chamber. She asked Papa, 'Who is Special?' 'He is an interview person when we went on tour. I don't do interviews and so does the ghouls. He does them on behalf of us, basically.' She nodded.

Then, Special came back with food for Ophelia. He hands it to her lap and she thanked him. 'It is a pleasure, Sister Ophelia.' He smiled under his mask, bowed to her and left the chamber. Papa took his gloves off, stood up and walked to the desk. He sat down on the chair and began to eat. 

She took a first bite of Macaroni Cheese. As she put the plate down, she stood up and look at some stuff in Papa's chamber. She saw the picture frame of Papa and his older brothers. She took a good look at the picture and he spoke. 'I took inspiration from my brothers. They were great showmen.' She nodded. 'So, you do what they did, but in your way.' 'Exactly.' He pointed out.

She walked back to the sofa, sat down and continue eating lunch. As she finished ate her lunch, Papa grabbed a glass of red wine and took a sip. He gripped it so tight, the wine glass shattered. She jumped, turned her head and ran to him. Papa screwed his face in pain. Ophelia told him to take deep breaths as she slowly pulled the glass out, bit by bit. He screamed as the glass is out of his hand. She hushed him and said, softly. 'Be brave, Papa. For me.' He nodded and the last glass is out. She grabbed the first aid kit and slowly stroke his palm.

Suddenly, the dark mist appeared from her hand and covered the scars. Then, it heals. She gasped and looked at him. 'That's Omega's superpower. Darkness healing.' He pointed out. She smiled and hugged him. He hugged her back and kiss in her cheek. They let go and she sat back on the sofa. He followed her and sat down. He stroked her cheek and sighed. 

She giggled and suddenly, she grinned, meanly. Papa shocked of her facial expression. 'Well, well, well. Hello Papa. It's been ten years.' She spoke in a low demonic voice. He blinked and asked, 'Who are you?' Who am I!? I'm Amy!' She angrily answered. He shifted away from her. He noticed the amber eyes and he knows that it's a demon, possessing Ophelia. 'What are you doing with her?' He demanded answers. She laughed, hysterically and answered evilly. 'She is a vessel for the spirits to contact the living. She is worthless and weak. Like you.' He shook his head and he barked. 'You are lying!' She laughed, 'I am not lying. You are denying it, as always.' She laughed louder and he yelled at her. 'SHUT UP! JUST, SHUT UP!' 'Don't worry. I won't be here for long.' He smacked her face and Ophelia returned. She cried and ran out of the chamber. 'Wait, Ghuleh!' He shouted. She didn't listen and ran to the dormitory. Papa felt bad and sobbed to himself. 'I'm so sorry, älskling. It's all my fault.'

She stormed into the dormitory and jumped into bed, crying. The sister entered and Ophelia shouted, 'Leave me alone!' The sister instantly followed her order by mind control and left the dormitory. Ophelia thought to herself. Why can't I control it? That demon is stronger than me. I saw his eyes in disbelieve. I hope it doesn't do that, all the time. She calmed herself down, got out of the bed and went out of the dormitory to the Nave, to pray.

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